Videos Quotes
You have to remember, videos were on the rise back when we did 'Take On Me.'
Shania Twain brought a whole other fan base to country music with her sound, the way the videos were produced.
I have some of the old videos of my performances on it.
I am not so secretly a comedian. I write a lot of my own material if you've seen videos I've done. I write jokes.
I love social media and Tik Tok but also .. sometimes it kinda sucks that it’s the only way to promo music these days .. I’d rather spend my time making music than trying to make 15 second videos online ..
I'd always loved watching YouTube videos, and that's what inspired me to make them myself. Initially I was drawn to makeup tutorials – I learned everything I know about makeup from YouTube.
My record company had to beg me to stop filmin' music videos in the projects. No matter what the song was about, I had 'em out there.
We ended up with some pretty good quality videos for next to nothing. We just thought it would be interesting to put WAV files on a DVD and let people burn CDs if they want. CDs are so expensive. I can't remember the last time I bought a new CD.
If the sheriff is cutting the program on drug testing, why are we approving a contract to show videos to inmates?
I think all my videos suck.
Only Experience Teaches You: You can't learn skiing by watching videos. They might help but you still need to find a place with snow, put your skis on, and thrust yourself down the mountain.
Music videos are like girlfriends. I'm constantly amazed on what other people doing...
Many animal rescue organizations hit with a hard-core, heartbreaking message. Their videos and stories can become difficult for average people to watch. By taking a more positive, heartwarming approach to animal rescue, I've been able to engage people and keep them engaged for years. Instead of selling the agony and misery - and sadly, there is no shortage of that - I start with the happy endings. I work backwards so the first message they get is joy and success due to their involvement. Opening the mind with humor and joy gets the rescue message in that much deeper.
Funny stuff? Bringing back “Pain for Pleasure” every night on our nine week tour was the funniest, most hysterical thing ever, and being a part of that and making the behind-the-scenes videos about it was just super fun.
I think rock music is getting better. The best (selling) music has been hip-hop for quite a while. So those guys are making the money and making the videos.
I found very early on when I became a hip-hop artist that I loved telling stories. Actually, when I was trying to get a message across it was more powerful when I told a story, rather than if I used a metaphor or if I preached about an issue. And through doing that I realised that actually these stories were very visual in my head and I couldn't wait to make the videos.
When we first recorded Fake Plastic Trees it was terrible! It sounded like Guns 'n' Roses. It was awful! It was like loud guitars... you could envisage one of these dreadful hilltop, Grand Canyon-esque videos. It was long hair flowing.
I couldn't see my father's films because they were restricted and we didn't have videos or DVDs back then.
Don't go to college. Make videos on YouTube.
My kids don't watch any TV, but they watch videos and films. I'm sure they watch it at friends' houses.
Even though I hate acting, I love doing videos for my songs.
Videos destroyed the vitality of rock and roll. Before that, music said, "Listen to me." Now it says, "Look at me."
Art is consumed in so many different ways. You could say people don't stop to appreciate art. On the other hand, people can consume art more quickly. Twitter, videos posted online - how do you utilize that? How do you identify yourself as an individual when you're sitting at this massive dinner table of the world with everyone on, from Kansas to Dubai?
I hate making videos. Songs are not visual. You get it out of the air. You don't watch it on MTV.