Whatsoever Quotes
I write about my life and my own experience, but I also write about things that I have no knowledge of whatsoever.
I'm not in favor of any amnesty whatsoever.
He's passed from rising hope to elder statesman without any intervening period whatsoever.
For all of its well-deserved reputation for pragmatism, American popular culture frequently nurtures or at least tolerates preposterous views and theories. Witness the 9/11 'truthers' who, lacking any evidence whatsoever, claim that 9/11 was a Bush administration plot.
WARNING Any Relationship to any historical fact WHATSOEVER is entirely coincidental. You have been WARNED
There's nothing he did wrong. No blame is pointed at him whatsoever.
I always had this feeling when writing about all politics... that when it's so lopsided, that if a newspaper or news organization has any weight whatsoever, it should automatically go to the other side.
Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it gladly. Because there is no work, love, knowledge, or wisdom in the grave.