Firearms Quotes
I collect firearms, and I've got a Winchester, an Indian rifle. It has tacks for every warrior that was shot, like notches on a pistol, and it's got feathers and beads hanging off it. It's like a work of art.
I think that we should take the tragedy that happened in Newtown and have a full comprehensive dialogue about all issues, whether it has to do with mental health, whether it has to do with the social decline of our young people and some of the things that they are exposed to, whether it has to do with the firearms and guns.
I don't believe there should be any restrictions when it comes to firearms. None.
It's hard to argue with the government. Remember, they are they run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, so they must know a thing or two about satisfying women.
The guards didn't carry weapons. Malcolm X had insisted that the guards not carry firearms that day [February 21, 1965].
Literary detection and firearms don't really go hand in hand; pen mighter than the sword and so forth.
I've dealt with a lot of guns over my career, so I'm getting better and better with firearms.
It's true that the judgement of what firearms should be prohibited will be decided by the government of the day - and shouldn't it be that way?
I believe there's something in the Bible about 'Thou shalt not call anyone insane who owns and is competent with more firearms than you own sharp sticks.'
I think every red-blooded male enjoys brandishing a firearm.
Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself.
A Lifetime Warranty on a concealed carry firearm isn't much good, If the firearm fails in an armed encounter, the owner of the firearm might expire, along with the warranty.
CO19, the Met’s firearms unit, whose unofficial motto is, “Guns don’t kill people, we kill people with guns.
We should have a system of licensing and registration, we should treat firearms the same way that automobiles are treated so that people have to pass a safety test.
My focus is that firearms are handled safely and that we can continue to enjoy them here in North America.
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
The key fallacy of so called gun control laws is that such laws do not in fact control guns. They simply disarm law abiding citizens, while people bent on violence find firearms readily available.
I don't care if they're licensed legal firearms, people who are not highly trained putting guns in their hands is a recipe for disaster. So I'll train our officers that there is a concealed carry law, but when somebody turns with a firearm in their hand the officer does not have an obligation to wait to get shot to return fire and we're going to have tragedies as a result of that. I'm telling you right up front.
Rather than an excess of firearms there's a shortage of faith and family that has a lot more to do with what happened out in Littleton. Let's face it, our public square is more hostile to religion than it is to Marilyn Manson.
More than safeguarding someone's life, firearms safeguard the freedom of a people.
I believe in a civil society we should do as much as possible not to have firearms in any guise, but obviously they are a necessary function of policing.
They have some pretty tough gun laws in Japan, as they do in any other civilized country in the world, and they're not killing each other off with firearms. You have very violent films in Europe, yet it's not causing the mayhem we see in our streets routinely here.
I'm not happy, frankly. Because I think in a civil society we don't need firearms.
Without freedom there will be no firearms among the people; without firearms among the people there will not long be freedom. Certainly there are examples of countries where the people remain relatively free after the people have been disarmed, but there are no examples of a totalitarian state being created or existing where the people have personal arms.