Flies Quotes
My cousin is gay, in school while other kids were dissecting frog, he was opening flies.
Money just draws flies.
Flies are so mighty that they win battles, paralyse our minds, eat up our bodies.
If slander be a snake, it is a winged one - it flies as well as creeps.
Yesterday was 1 year since our last day of recording Beneath the skin. Time flies
Poor? What does that matter? When poverty creeps in at the door, love flies in through the window.
Catching flies is better training than hitting the speed bag.
It is not possible to know how far the influence of any amiable, honest-hearted duty-doing man flies out into the world, but it is very possible to know how it has touched one's self in going by.
Time flies whether you are having fun or not.
If flies are a great model, they're a great model for flies. These animals, you know, they're not like us. We don't fly. We don't have a compound eye. I don't think we process sensory information the same way. The muscles that they use are just incredibly much more sophisticated and interesting than the muscles we use.
The dreary flies, lazy and casual, Stick to the ceiling, buzz along the wall. O heart, the spider shuffles from the mould Weaving, between the pinks and grapes, his pall.
He who kisses joy as it flies by will live in eternity's sunrise.
People are inexterminable like flies and bed-bugs. There will always be some that survive in cracks and crevices that's us.
As beauteous is the world, and many a joy Floats through its wide dominion. But, alas, When we would seize the winged good, it flies.
Only flies have true halteres. In fact, the scientific term for flies, 'diptera,' means 'two wings.' Most insects, including bees, have two pairs of wings for a total of four. In flies, the hindwing pairs have been transformed through evolution into the halteres.
Time flies when you are having fun.
Flies are the price we pay for summer.
Make yourself honey and the flies will devour you.
You get into your late fifties, people start falling like flies all around you. I don't take life for granted any more. I'm really glad to be here.
A closed mouth catches no flies.
Time flies, and what is past is done.
Although their maneuverability is limited, blind flies can fly remarkably well.
We get a lot of calls at this time of the year when everyone is greasing their reels and tying flies wondering what lakes are being planted with trout.
Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.