Commonwealth Quotes
The Legislative cannot transfer the Power of Making Laws to any other hands. For it being but a delegated Power from the People, they who have it, cannot pass it over to others. The People alone can appoint the Form of the Commonwealth, which is by Constituting the Legislative, and appointing in whose hands that shall be.
John Locke Nazareth -
Believing that I was born for the service of mankind, and regarding the care of the commonwealth as a kind of common property which, like the air and the water, belongs to everybody, I set myself to consider in what way mankind might be best served, and what service I was myself best fitted by nature to perform.
Francis Bacon
Creating new jobs for Pennsylvanians continues to be my highest priority throughout the Commonwealth.
Ed Rendell -
If the situation in Zimbabwe continues to deteriorate, Britain will argue for Zimbabwe's suspension from the Commonwealth at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in March.
Jack Straw -
Whoever takes it upon himself to establish a commonwealth and prescribe laws must presuppose all men naturally bad, and that they will yield to their innate evil passions as often as they can do so with safety.
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli -
Bill's competition for this nomination has contributed a great deal to the debate about making the Commonwealth a better place for all Pennsylvanians.
Lynn Swann -
The caterpillars of the commonwealth, Which I have sworn to weed and pluck away.
William Shakespeare -
Whoever is victor, there should be, after the war, a commonwealth of all nations.
Mahatma Gandhi
Rather perish than hate and fear, and twice rather perish than make oneself hated and feared — this must some day become the highest maxim for every single commonwealth.
Friedrich Nietzsche -
Corporations are may lesser commonwealths in the bowels of a greater, like worms in the entrails of a natural man.
Thomas Hobbes -
At the moment the British Common-wealth is a Commonwealth of White nation.
Mahatma Gandhi -
Laws were most numerous when the commonwealth was most corrupt.
Tacitus -
Rome was in the most dangerous inclination to change on account of the unequal distribution of wealth and property, those of highest rank and greatest spirit having impoverished themselves by shows, entertainments, ambition of offices, and sumptuous buildings, and the riches of the city having thus fallen into the hands of mean and low-born persons. So that there wanted but a slight impetus to set all in motion, it being in the power of every daring man to overturn a sickly commonwealth.
Plutarch -
In sum, all actions and habits are to be esteemed good or evil by their causes and usefulness in reference to the commonwealth, and not by their mediocrity, nor by their being commended. For several men praise several customs, and, contrarily, what one calls vice, another calls virtue, as their present affections lead them.
Thomas Hobbes
This is my last Commonwealth Games. Five CWG and nine medals, it is enough for me.
Abhinav Bindra -
Everywhere do I percieve a certain conspiracy of rich men seeking their own advantage underthat name and pretext of commonwealth.
Thomas More -
When I was a child in the 1940s and early 1950s, my parents and grandparents spoke of Britain as home, and New Zealand had this strong sense of identity and coherence as being part of the commonwealth and a the identity of its people as being British.
Michael King -
For athletes traditionally it's such a fantastic stepping stone to greater things down the track and in the future. Don't undermine the Commonwealth Games!
Cathy Freeman -
Say that again, Commonwealth whit? (translation: what?) I'm no used tae hearing that.
Charlie Flynn -
Leisure is the mother of philosophy; and commonwealth, the mother of peace and leisure.
Thomas Hobbes
And whereas many men, by accident unevitable, become unable to maintain themselves by their labour; they ought not to be left to the Charity of private persons; but to be provided for, (as far-forth as the necessities of Nature require,) by the Lawes of the Common-wealth. For as it is Unchariablenesse in any man, to neglect the impotent; so it is in the Soveraign of a Common-wealth, to expose them to the hazard of such uncertain Charity.
Thomas Hobbes -
You see, before I became prime minister, the Australian prime minister only attended ever two meetings in the world: the British Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting and the South Pacific Forum.
Paul Keating -
Hence it is a mistake to think, that the supreme or legislative power of any common-wealth, can do what it will, and dispose of the estates of the subject arbitrarily, or take any part of them at pleasure.
John Locke Nazareth -
It is to the interest of the commonwealth of mankind that there should be someone who is unconquered, someone against whom fortune has no power.
Seneca the Younger