Through Quotes
I've been through a lot of beef with other singers, but it's all verbal.
If humanity does not opt for integrity we are through completely. It is absolutely touch and go. Each one of us could make the difference.
Without Your life I know there is no life. For I was dead in sin and You gave life to me! Without Your life I'd surely rather die! Lord Jesus, live Your life through me! You are life to me!
The road to the sacred leads through the secular.
Now we sit through Shakespeare in order to recognize the quotations.
Through PETA, we rescue animals in roadside zoos and circuses. They are some of the most abused animals in the country.
I carried through well with my tennis. I got the respect by usage of the tennis racket.
I been through some things but I worked hard to get to where I'm at.
Peace comes through understanding.
I've worked hard over the years, I've been injured and I've worked hard through it, and I've made it.
We have created characters and animated them in the dimension of depth, revealing through them to our perturbed world that the things we have in common far outnumber and outweigh those that divide us.
Every teenager and everybody around the ages from 10 to 18 has to go through finding out who they are.
I had trouble with my temper all the way through the minor leagues.
I'm not a quitter. I believe in following things through.
Nike was the essence of sports, transcendence through sports.
In Ireland, the tribes are called after the founder, as the Hy Conaill, Hy Fiachra, or sons of Conal, sons of Fiech, through grand, great-grand, and great-great-grandchildren.
Men are more easily governed through their vices than through their virtues.
During the 1990s, San Francisco lived through one of the most intense economic booms of its history.
I read part of it all the way through.
I applied for funding to embark on an overseas field trip in Iceland, and spent six weeks there happily holed up in the national archives, museums and libraries, sifting through ministerial and parish records, censuses, maps, microfilm, logs, and local histories.
Nothing exists except through language.
I so never went through a bad-girl period.
I was only interested in my scene, and I had to go through thousands and thousands of other scenes. I got my scene and I read it many, many, many, many, many times. That was my research.
I converse with my dog through ESP.