Giving Quotes
I am proud to be part of the Toys for Tots program for a second year. In addition to giving kids the chance to design a special The UPS Store/Toys for Tots car, this contest is a great way for children to learn about the importance of charitable giving.
Dale Jarrett
Enough Americans saw fit to give president Obama a second term. I don't think there will be many people keeping their Romney/Ryan bumper stickers on their cars.
Henry Rollins
Black Flag
How could I have not known about Ume? An Austin trio fronted by a whirling dervish of singer guitarist who in the standard PR band head shot looks like she wouldn't hurt a fly; yet give her a guitar, a Marshall stack and a mic and stand back, way back. She shreds. File under - Do Not Overlook and Go Tell Your Friends
Dave Allen
Most of America's leading entrepreneurs are bound to the masts of their fortunes. They are allowed to keep their wealth only as long as they invest it in others. In a real sense, they can keep only what they give away. It has been given to others in the form of investments. It is embodied in a vast web of enterprises that retains its worth only through constant work and sacrifice. Capitalism is a system that begins not with taking but with giving to others.
George Gilder
There is nothing more important in my life than my relationship with God and my faith. I have been so driven to my knees to pray for His guidance, for His wisdom, for His grace and for His Strength. I'm never going to tell anybody else how to live, I'm never going to preach to anybody else and tell them you must do that. But I sure would like to see more Americans give it a try and seek the guidance that our Founding Fathers sought and were able to then craft documents that allowed America to become the greatest, strongest, healthiest, most prosperous nation on earth.
Sarah Palin
I am done with great things and big things, great institutions and big success, and I am for those tiny, invisible molecular moral forces that work from individual to individual, creeping through the crannies of the world like so many rootlets, or like the capillary oozing of water, yet which if you give them time, will rend the hardest monuments of man's pride.
William James
My youth is escaping without giving me anything it owes me.
Ivy Compton-Burnett
I think the truest things come from silence, but everything's always so clogged up with noise. If everything falls away, and you can truly listen to someone, giving them yourself and generosity, you can truly lose yourself in what they're saying. Like, not impose your ideas on what they're saying, but really tune into them.
Johnny Flynn
Over the last 15 years we've developed our brand into a global brand and we wanted our giving to follow suit.
Tommy Hilfiger
My life wasn't always smooth sailing. Two members of my family were diagnosed with cancer, so I spent a lot of time in hospitals and giving home care. Several close friends died. I fell in love with the wrong person. And I was working all the time but still sliding into debt. My life wasn't anything like I thought it would be. And then I got in a bad car accident. I walked away, but it was like a splash of cold water. The next day, I started writing Twelve Lives. Sometimes, when you're backed into a corner and have nothing to lose, it's a great place to write from.
Hannah Tinti
The malpractice for advice-giving is like five times as much as a craniotomy.
Nicole Krauss
Make sure you are safe, and never ever put yourself in a compromising situation, but once that is checked off the list, I think it's really important for us to remember that someone needs us, and that your act of giving/helping/doing can truly become an act of grace once you get out of your head.
Meghan Markle
Lord, please give me big ears and a thoughtful mind. Teach me to ask well and see it through other’s eyes.
David Walker
If that is what this world is, what humans are... There is no future. Understanding and faith... If you take those away, all that's left is fear. I can't accept immoral methods or giving up.
Masashi Kishimoto
Unrestrained automobility, hedonism, individualism, and conspicuous consumption cannot be sustained because they take more than they give back. A spiritually impoverished world cannot be sustained because meaninglessness, anomie, and despair will corrode the desire to be sustained and the belief that humanity is worth sustaining. But these are the very things that distinguish the modern age from its predecessors, Genuine sustainability, in other words, will come not from superficial changes but from a deeper process akin to humankind growing up to a fuller stature.
David W. Orr
It gives a fellow an awful shiver to hear the first shovelful of dirt and gravel rattle down upon the coffin; but after it is covered, it falls gently and makes no sound. The feeling of rest is perfect. There's no more nagging, no more pain!
William Morris Hunt
One tip is to try and give your hair some time to relax. Don't over wash or over dry it.
Giving the best to others are giving the best to us. The value of life is not based on how long we live. But, how much can we contribute to others in our society ?
Gautama Buddha
As the spring comes on, and the densening outlines of the elm give daily a new design for a Grecian urn, — its hue, first brown with blossoms, then emerald with leaves, — we appreciate the vanishing beauty of the bare boughs. In our favored temperate zone, the trees denude themselves each year, like the goddesses before Paris, that we may see which unadorned loveliness is the fairest.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson
My best career decision was probably not giving up when I wanted to. God as well as my family and friends were there for me during my toughest times.
Jeremy Lin
Reading-not occasionally, not only on vacation but everyday-gives me nourishment and enlarges my life in mysterious and essential ways.
Mona Simpson
I always say "if you are afraid of them (the unborn), give them to me. Please, don't kill them."
Mother Teresa