Spoons Quotes
You bought me some forks. And knives. And spoons. Because you love me!
GATHERING LEAVES Spades take up leaves No better than spoons, And bags full of leaves Are light as balloons. I make a great noise Of rustling all day Like rabbit and deer Running away. But the mountains I raise Elude my embrace, Flowing over my arms And into my face. I may load and unload Again and again Till I fill the whole shed, And what have I then? Next to nothing for weight, And since they grew duller From contact with earth, Next to nothing for color. Next to nothing for use. But a crop is a crop, And who's to say where The harvest shall stop?
Jack was balancing a spoon on his nose when I walked in. "You," I said knocking it off his face. "Me!" He answered cheerfully.
When people ask me which I would rather give up, writing or medicine, it's like being asked which eye I'd prefer to have poked out with a spoon: neither, and please use a fork.
I have a phobia of spoons I haven't used one in about 10 years.
Franchises and chains have come to dominate small communities, but those same chains have eliminated a lot of the greasy spoons, places you didn't want to eat in the first place.
Slotted spoons don't hold much soup.
A father is nowhere near as valuable as a spoon.
I think the serving size of ice cream is when you hear the spoon hit the bottom of the container.
I've always had a strange fear of spoons.
The area was encompassed in a bubble of warm, fragrant steam from the funnel cake deep fryers. It smelled like sweet vanilla cake batter you licked off a spoon.
Many comedians consider themselves to be cutting edge. But why do we have to use the knife for the analogy. Let's use the spoon. I like to consider myself the big bowl-like area of the spoon that holds all the stuff you like.
I boil my tears in a twisted spoon And dance like an angel on the point of a needle.
I like sporks. They're like spoons, but you can poke people with them.
The time is past when Christians in America can take a long spoon and hand the gospel to the black man out the back door.
Sandwiches are wonderful. You don't need a spoon or a plate!
Question your tea spoons.
A man that's fond precociously of stirring, Must be a spoon.