Rock & Roll Quotes
We are still not in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame but there are 3,000 Kiss products, a Kiss musical toothbrush, everything from Kiss caskets to Kiss condoms. There are no Radiohead condoms.
My true belief about Rock 'n' Roll--and there have been a lot of phrases attributed to me over the years--is this: I believe this kind of music is demonic. ... A lot of the beats in music today are taken from voodoo, from the voodoo drums. If you study music in rhythms, like I have, you'll see that is true. I believe that kind of music is driving people from Christ. It is contagious
I wouldn't say rock & roll is dead but the current music made by young people isn't really rock & roll.
I invented rock & roll. Jimi Hendrix was my guitar player. James Brown was my vocalist.
Rock & Roll is feeling, and after you know most of the basics ... chords, rhythm, scales and bends ... getting that feeling is just about the most important aspect of playing guitar...
If rock & roll is dead and gone, man, I am missing out on it.
People called rock & roll 'African music.' They called it 'voodoo music.' They said that it would drive the kids insane. They said that it was just a flash in the pan - the same thing that they always used to say about hip-hop.
I like rock & roll, and I don't like much else.
Rock & roll has kept us alive for all these years. But we just love country music. It's in our blood.
A lot of people call me the architect of rock & roll. I don't call myself that, but I believe it's true.
Rock & roll mostly is a very butch thing, and it appeals to one hard side of the masculine character. But I don't think the Rolling Stones are only a rock band. They can be other things. They can be very feminine.
Elvis may have fueled rock & roll's imagery, but Chuck Berry was its heartbeat and original mindset.
It's basically against the whole idea of what always made rock&roll music interesting to me. I thought it was an unassailable outlet for some pure and natural expressions of rebellion. It was one channel you could take without havin' to kiss ass, you know? And right now it just seems like they're on a big daisy chain, each kissin' each other's asses.
It was so new to us before, we used to all go rock & roll. Now we're more into getting on with our lives individually, not hanging out every moment. We all know what we like to do. If I want to go to the gym, I'll ring Phil. If I want to go to a bar, I'll ring Sav.
Rock & roll is not so much a question of electric guitars as it is striped pants.
I'm old enough to know what music was like before rock & roll.
The term "genius" gets used far too loosely in rock & roll.
You've got to be hard, like the rock in that old rock & roll.
You get as much out of rock & roll artistically as you put into it. There's nobody who can teach you. You're on your own and that's what I find so fascinating about it.
The way I see it, rock & roll is folk music. Street music. It isn't taught in school. It has to be picked up.
I never went to rock concerts when I was a kid. I didn't see any rock & roll bands.
There was a moment when Prince did rock & roll with a sponge-y seductive sound. I think that's what was in our head for 'Get On Your Boots.' But actually, the song is much more punk rock.
Boys were a very essential part of rock & roll. The girls were more onlookers.
My generation had the best years. We missed the Second World War and caught the outburst of rock 'n' roll.