Perpetrators Quotes
One little lie or dishonest act leads to another until the perpetrator is caught in the web of deceit.
They go on about banning size zero, but I think Hollywood stars are the worst perpetrators. Most models are naturally long and gangly, while a lot of these young girls in Hollywood have gone on extreme diets. Their concave chests and bony arms are terrifying. It's scary to think that normal teenagers are tempted to copy them.
Let no one be in any doubt that this is a profoundly evil trade whose perpetrators have no regard for human life, ... We have been determined to crack down on this trade.
This is a terrible outrage committed by people with no humanity, ... I know that the police are devoting huge efforts to find the perpetrators.
There is no defence against an evil which only the victims and the perpetrators know exists.
Can postmodernism hold the perpetrators of genocide accountable?
The perpetrators of the bombing at the Grand Hotel, Brighton, could be hanged for high treason. ... They are just as guilty as Guy Fawkes was 380 years ago.
The world's full of victims and the world's full of terrible perpetrators and I want them identified and caught.
We've all been victims. We've all been perpetrators. And, so there is a group that is still experiencing that.
The demand for racial (and sexual) justice gets reduced to politics of identity - and excoriating the so-called perpetrators of the identity politics.