Giggle Quotes
Always be natural. Putting on airs will make a giggle out of you. Be yourself and if you don't know something say so.
Fourteen-year-old, why must you giggle and dote, Fourteen-year-old, why are you such a goat? I'm fourteen years old, that is the reason, I giggle and dote in season.
To dispose of a two-headed Org, jump up and down three times, roll a head of cabbage, and giggle!
I don't laugh at me. I used to. I used to get the giggles when I'd see myself. But now, I see myself onscreen, and I sure don't laugh.
I hate girls that giggle all the time... You hate any girl that David looks at.
I liked playing Morph in Mash and Peas and doing Phil Daniels in the Blur Rock Profile was a giggle too.
I don't take me seriously. If we get some giggles, I don't mind.
The academic community has in it the biggest concentration of alarmists, cranks and extremists this side of the giggle house.