Flow Quotes
What I'm after is the liquidity of things, how one things leads you on to the rest... The works are about concentration, intention, and paths of thought: the flow of totality in our perception, the fragmentation of the river of phenomenon.
Gabriel Orozco
My rhymes are like shot clocks,
interstate cops
and blood clots,
my point is your flow gets stopped.
Talib Kweli
Black Star
Because you have to just go with the flow. Your life is not your own, with people coming in and out all the time. You get mellow because you have to.
Sarah Dessen
I live my life on self-belief and I live it partly on going with the flow.
Mel B
Spice Girls
Happiness is a good flow of life.
Zeno of Citium
Life is a waste of woes, And Death a river deep, That ever onward flows, Troubled, yet asleep.
William Batchelder Greene
I'm so critical, especially of the movies I do. If the movie flows and I buy it, that's important. Beyond it working, if I buy the character, especially if I'm close to the character.
Wade Eastwood
In piano, if you try to force hitting this key and that key, it's very broken. It's not pretty. When you're in archery, you can't try to force it step-by-step-by-step. Then the shot doesn't flow and it's not a good shot. If you just let the performance flow, it's really beautiful.
Miranda Leek
Literature is not a picture of life, but is a separate experience with its own kind of flow and enhancement.
William Stafford
A one-night stand that waited three years to tell me I had a son. I needed cash flow fast, It was time to get into the business.
Hank Williams III
The similarities among animals that are on the surface very different are no coincidence. In fact, animal locomotion is no different than other flows, animate and inanimate they all develop in space and in time such that they optimize the flow of material.
Adrian Bejan
I used to do the rap, but people could not handle my flow.
Ben Moody