Brightest Quotes
Is it thy will that I should wax and wane, Barter my cloth of gold for hodden grey, And at thy pleasure weave that web of pain Whose brightest threads are each a wasted day?
Yet even the brightest of sunrises must come to an end.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the brightest light and the only hope for this darkened world.
When you're moving in the positive, your destination is the brightest star.
Better a square foot of New York than all the rest of the world in a lump - better a lamppost on Broadway than the brightest star in the sky.
The trout that seem to stick in my memory the finest aren't the big ones, and maybe it's because I have't visited all the corners of the globe, but my most unforgettable trout all lived close to home. In fact, when I take out my pouch of trout memories and spill them all on the table, it seems that the smaller ones shine the brightest.
You have got to attract the brightest and the best, but the brightest and best won't stay unless they see real career options.
Tonight we celebrate Hollywood's best and whitest, sorry... brightest.