Dominant Quotes
It's true that in Canada, we pride ourselves on the game, and we like to think we're the dominant hockey nation in the world.
If you can think about what you want in your mind, and make that your dominant thought, you will bring it into your life.
I am extremely left brain dominant, probably 95%-5%. The feeling side of my brain is not really strong.
Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then it tries to silence good.
He (Woolf) can be dominant when he's throwing like that. When he's pitching well, he's the guy that we saw tonight.
We are moving away from the old idea of leadership - leadership has less to do (now) with heroism. We don't look for... unblemished omnipotent heroes, but leaders who are complex, dependent, changeable... We do not need one dominant authority structure telling all our inner voices to shut up.
A strong man doesn’t have to be dominant toward a woman. He doesn’t match his strength against a woman weak with love for him. He matches it against the world.
By the end of this century, of course, America is the dominant world power, economically and militarily, and it has not only enlarged the freedoms of its own citizens -- which was very circumscribed in 1889 -- but by 1989 it has enlarged the freedoms of millions and millions of people around the world.
The dominant feeling of the battlefield is loneliness.
The image of where you are going has to be more dominant than the image of where you are.
The better team doesn't always win. I think we were more dominant.
Certainly in each social period, youth must be made to venerate the dominant absurdities.
Philly has been dominating things in the division. You aren't going to go anywhere until you can match up with them.
He's the most dominant player in the game.
My father really was not the dominant person who raised the family, it was my mother who raised the family.
A need to tell and hear stories is essential to the species Homo sapiens-second in necessity apparently after nourishment and before love and shelter. Millions survive without love or home, almost none in silence; the opposite of silence leads quickly to narrative, and the sound of story is the dominant sound of our lives, from the small accounts of our day's events to the vast incommunicable constructs of psychopaths.
English football is in a bad way because the foreign players here are so good, so dominant.
The main problem with cultural appropriation comes from dominant groups 'borrowing' from marginalized groups who face oppression or have been stigmatized for their cultural practices throughout history.
I've always defined myself not as a cartoonist , but as an entrepreneur. That was true before I tried cartooning. I always imagined cartooning would be how I got my seed capital. I always thought my other businesses would be the less dominant part of my life.
I feel lucky to live at a time when the dominant tennis players are Venus and Serena Williams. And to have lived through the success of a whole slew of boxers and feel I could invest emotionally and psychologically in their victories, and identify with them in their struggles.
I guess, from the beginning, Thurston and Kim were the dominant singers in the band, and although I was singing in bands previously, I guess I mainly deferred to them a lot in terms of who was singing the bulk of the songs.
The hardest thing over the years has been having the courage to go against the dominant wisdom of the time, to have a view that is at variance with the present consensus and bet that view.
I can be one of the dominant players, maybe the dominant player, in the East.
The dominant mood of contemporary American culture is the self-celebration of the peasantry.