Prints Quotes
The thing that was most interesting to me was getting my first prints back from the printer and realizing photography doesn't end with the click of a button, it starts there. Printing is so exciting.
A primitive power of artistic sensuousness speaks from the prints, which itself develops directly from the graphic technique that is tied to painstaking effort. Like the 'savage' who with patience cuts the figure.. ..out of the hard wood, so the artist creates perhaps his purest and strongest pieces.. ..following the primordial curse, if one may so understand it: from the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat thy bread.
A newspaper may somewhat arrogantly assert that it prints "all the news that's fit to print." But no newspaper yet has been moved to declare at the end of each edition, "That's the way it is," as Walter Cronkite does.
If you are intent on drawing or painting on your prints, you must first learn to draw and paint at least as well as you photograph.
Women today leave the house in animal prints and six inch stilettos, what does that say? I'm going to church? They're saying I want you to hang me by my tits from your ceiling and bite my ass. You know what I mean? That's what it says to me anyway.
Asked for your opinion on the prints, you have two choices: truth or tact. I ask for the bathroom.
Today, because photography exercises such a profound influence upon the study of art, we tend to disregard the way in which prints continue to function as information.
The start of a World Cross Country event is like riding a horse in the middle of a buffalo stampede. It's a thrill if you keep up, but one slip and you're nothing but hoof prints.
I love vintage and prints.
Cats may sense early on that you don't like paw prints on your butter, but they will jump onto any surface in the home as long as no one sees it happen.
Fashion comes and goes; prints come and go. Proper camo never really goes away.
Nowhere does one come to know an artist better than in his prints and the woodcut is the most graphic of the print processes.