Unbelievers Quotes
Something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers.
Unbelievers can tolerate Christ only as long as He is stripped of His real identity.
Leading unbelievers to Christ is a greater cause than insisting on justice in human relationships. Believers are to defer their craving for justice until the last day, trusting God as Jesus did.
Men always grow vicious before they become unbelievers.
Be certain that in the religion of Love there are no believers and unbelievers. LOVE embraces all.
If the Church is 'in Christ,' she is involved in mission. Her whole existence then has a missionary character. Her conduct as well as her words will convince the unbelievers and put their ignorance and stupidity to silence.
A man should remind himself that an object of faith is not scientifically demonstrable, lest presuming to demonstrate what is of faith, he should produce inconclusive reasons and offer occasion for unbelievers to scoff at a faith based on such ground.
A perfect faith is nowhere to be found, so it follows that all of us are partly unbelievers.
The founders of the great world religions, Gautama Buddha, Jesus, Lao-Tzu, Mohammed, all seem to have striven for a worldwide brotherhood of man; but none of them could develop institutions which would include the enemy, the unbeliever.
God is not hostile to sinners, but only to unbelievers.
Many unbelievers have threatened or prophesied the destruction of the Bible. Few people know the names of the skeptics. Everyone knows the names of Moses and Isaiah and Luke and Paul.
He truly suffered . . . not as some unbelievers say, that he suffered only in appearance. They are the ones who are only an appearance.