Camps Quotes
What cause have we to complain about their fierce hatred to us? For eight years now, they sit in their refugee camps in Gaza, and before their eyes we turn into our homestead the land and villages in which they and their forefathers have lived.
Buckley and Vidal were both stand-ins for what was happening on the streets of Chicago and the streets of America. I mean, they're representing these two different camps that are at war in the streets. And they're at war with their words. And each was looking for a knockout.
There were lots of road trips they went on. They went to summer camps where the priests were directors. They were altar boys - there was constant access to them.
Great numbers of the Indians pass our camp on their hunting excursions: the day was clear and pleasant, but last night was very cold and there was a white frost.
I remember, once after we were captured the french showed us a video of these, these camps. I remember one of us snickered and the french officer said, "you goddamn nazi bastard, you think this is funny!" and he hit us both. I didn't realize until I was older that what they were showing us was true...
No doubt concentration camps were a means, a menace used to keep order.
The people from Oklahoma State absolutely adore him, ... It doesn't matter if they're 4 or 5, or people in their 70s. They love him here. Kids flock to him. At our summer basketball camps, he's the one they seek out. I got a letter from a lady last week. She said she asked her 8-year-old son what he wanted for Christmas. I'm thinking a truck, a bike, some toy. He told her he wanted an autographed picture of JamesOn.
There are so many people in pain because of the Syrian conflict. Ten million trying to live in camps that are barely set up for three.
Book tours are like boot camp but with little sleep and less food.
There's a lesbian aesthetic, just as there's gay camp, but I don't know if there's such a thing as 'lesbian art.'
John McCain and I, and our camps, are working together to get John McCain elected.
Dachau-the significance of this name will never be erased from German history. It stands for all concentration camps which the Nazis established in their territory.
If historians of philosophy are to be divided into those who focus on discontinuities and those who focus on continuities, I belong in the latter camp.
It's a weird thing. Reservations were meant to be prisons, you know? Indians were supposed to move onto reservations and die. We were supposed to disappear. But somehow or another, Indians have forgotten the reservations were meant to be death camps.
Nobody has been held accountable for the Bytyqi murders. Those in command of the camp and the forces operating there have never been charged.
I don't do camps. Camps are for kids. I don't sleep in tents or roast marshmallows. I certainly don't tell ghost stories or own a sleeping bag. But I do work hard every single day.
I think that Vancouver as well as Canada needs a boot camp for young entrepreneurs. We have already seen tens if not hundreds of people put their names forward to be involved in the program, and we just think this is an amazing way to accelerate what theyre doing.
I spent my boyhood behind the barbed wire fences of American internment camps and that part of my life is something that I wanted to share with more people.
I spent all of my childhood at a performance art camp. Putting on plays, it was more like commedia dell'arte. It wasn't career-oriented in any way. It was more fun and therapeutic, so I never really thought of it as something I would end up doing. I was more convinced I was going to be a painter.
There really is no such thing as a sick child; there are children who happen to be sick. Think about it, and you will understand the magic of the Camps