Points Quotes
When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger.
Next, to make them expert in the usefullest points of grammar; and withal to season them and win them early to the love of virtue and true labour, ere any flattering seducement or vain principle seize them wandering, some easy and delightful book of education would be read to them; whereof the Greeks have store, as Cebes, Plutarch, and other Socratic discourses.
Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes.
Without a yardstick sometimes the high points can be taken for granted.
We didn't get any stops. We are trying to get better defensively but we got beat by 30 points, so obviously we are not getting better defensively. ... Obviously if you get beat by 30 points then the coach can question your effort.
I do not enlighten those who are not eager to learn, nor arouse those who are not anxious to give an explanation themselves. If I have presented one corner of the square and they cannot come back to me with the other three, I should not go over the points again.
Two points that are very important points to remember and ask: Is it real and does it work?
We still have points on which we are separated, but we are making progress.
Everyone reaches their point in time where either they die or they get sick of doing drugs. It started getting debilitating. I enjoy my music a lot better than my drugs.
I can't remember when 40 points was the last place total at indoors. I knew we were on shaky ground coming in, but if you told me we would score 40 points - I'd thought that would be good for seventh place. I'm sad to finish last, but we're loaded with young talent that will help this team in the future.
If I can’t be personal, I don’t want to argue,” said his hostess categorically. “I may be missing your points, but you’re much too busy dodging mine.
Obviously he's a lot better on clay, so I tried to press his forehand and make points on my terms instead of his.
Welcome to 'Who's Line Is It Anyway' the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. That's right the points are just like Canada.
I have insecurities of course, but I don't hang out with anyone who points them out to me.
It's a tall order, without a doubt. But that's the key to this series is how you're going to slow down the guy that makes this offense generate points and close out on the guys that are getting wide-open shots.
When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that three of his fingers are pointing at himself.
When a bad shot points a bad gun at you, your best plan is to stand still and take your chance. In such a case the chance is not a bad one.
It showed all the bad points I have. That was about the worst outcome I could imagine. My delivery was off and the pitches were bad.
What you call idiot points, I call awesome dollars.
I want to reach for 150 or 200 points this season, whichever comes first.
I was not worried at halftime at all. But then we come out and only score two points in the third quarter - you just can't win like that.
We feel that we have the quality to get the three points and we want to win the group.
We are again playing a team above us on the points ladder.
We will continue to look for points of coinciding