Grieve Quotes
The world is afflicted by death and decay. But the wise do not grieve, having realized the nature of the world.
Do not grieve over someone who changes all of the sudden. It might be that he has given up acting and returned to his true self.
As we weep for what we have lost, and as we grieve for family and friends and we confront the challenge that is before us, I want us to remember who we are. We are Queenslanders. We're the people that they breed tough, north of the border. We're the ones that they knock down, and we get up again.
Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way.
Grieve not that I die young. Is it not well to pass away ere life hath lost its brightness?
The wise man looks back into the past, and does not grieve over what is far off, nor rejoice over what is near; for he knows that time is without end.
You grieve Not that heaven does not exist but That it exists without us
The good man does not grieve that other people do not recognize his merits. His only anxiety is lest he should fail to recognize theirs.
Our lives pass from us like the wind, and why Should wise men grieve to know that they must die? The Judas blossom fades, the lovely face Of light is dimmed, and darkness takes its place.
I am quite ready to acknowledge . . . that I ought to be grieved at death, if I were not persuaded that I am going to other gods who are wise and good, and to men departed who are better than those whom I leave behind. And therefore I do not grieve as I might have done, for I have good hope that there is yet something remaining for the dead.
I lost my partner Anselmo Feleppa to HIV then it took about three years to grieve; then after that I lost my mother. I felt almost like I was cursed.
Do not grieve yourself too much for those you hate, nor yet forget them utterly.
But you, Achilles,/ There is not a man in the world more blest than you--/ There never has been, never will be one./ Time was, when you were alive, we Argives/ honored you as a god, and now down here, I see/ You Lord it over the dead in all your power./ So grieve no more at dying, great Achilles.’ I reassured the ghost, but he broke out protesting,/ ‘No winning words about death to me, shining Odysseus!/ By god, I’d rather slave on earth for another man--/ Some dirt-poor tenant farmer who scrapes to keep alive—than rule down here over all the breathless dead.
Remembered reading once that a person had to grieve for half the length of the relationship itself. She’d lived with Glenn for nearly four years. Surely she must be close to finished by now.
I think you have to grieve the loss of youth before you can claim the joy on the other side of it.
Grieve not that men do not know you; grieve that you do not know men.
Every humane and patriotic heart must grieve to see a bloody and causeless rebellion, costing thousands of human lives and millions of treasure. But as it was predetermined and inevitable, it was long enough delayed. Now is the appropriate time to solve the greatest problem ever submitted to civilized man.
It is not becoming to grieve immoderately for the dead.
Do not grieve so much for a husband lost that it wastes away your life.
What poet would not grieve to see His brother write as well as he? But rather than they should excel, He'd wish his rivals all in Hell.