Discovered Quotes
When the boy begins to understand that the visible point is preceded by an invisible point, that the shortest distance between two points is conceived as a straight line before it is ever drawn with pencil and paper...the fountain of all thought has been opened to him...the philosopher can reveal him nothing new, as a geometrician he has discovered the basis of all thought.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Philosophers are not honest enough in their work, although they make a lot of virtuous noise when the problem of truthfulness is touched even remotely. They all pose as if they had discovered and reached their real opinions through the self-development of a cold, pure, divinely unconcerned dialectic...; while at bottom it is an assumption, a hunch, indeed a kind of "inspiration" most often a desire of the heart that has been filtered and made abstract that they defend with reasons they have sought after the fact.
Friedrich Nietzsche
If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The rishis, who discovered the law of nonviolence in the midst of violence, were greater geniuses than Newton.
Mahatma Gandhi
I discovered that my own little postage stamp of native soil was worth writing about and that I would never live long enough to exhaust it.
William Faulkner
What we call the Irish Brogue is no sooner discovered, than it makes the deliverer, in the last degree, ridiculous and despised; and, from such a mouth, an Englishman expects nothing but bulls, blunders, and follies.
Jonathan Swift
I will not say I failed 1000 times, I will say that I discovered there are 1000 ways that can cause failure.
Thomas A. Edison
If you happen to have a wart on your nose or forehead, you cannot help imagining that no one in the world has anything else to do but stare at your wart, laugh at it, and condemn you for it, even though you have discovered America.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
America has never quite forgiven Europe for having been discovered somewhat earlier in history than itself.
Oscar Wilde
Most of those who came were women, and I was now much criticized, now much praised by opposing groups. At first I was frightened, but Mariarosa interceded with authority and I discovered in myself an unsuspected capacity to summarize disagreement and agreement, choosing in the meantime a role as mediator. I was good at saying in a convincing way: That isn’t exactly what I meant.
Elena Ferrante
Some of our test families didn't think they had a problem and just used the reporting feature, but they discovered they had a real problem.
Brian Baker
Bad Religion
But medicine has long had all its means to hand, and has discovered both a principle and a method, through which the discoveries made during a long period are many and excellent, while full discovery will be made, if the inquirer be competent, conduct his researches with knowledge of the discoveries already made, and make them his starting-point. But anyone who, casting aside and rejecting all these means, attempts to conduct research in any other way or after another fashion, and asserts that he has found out anything, is and has been victim of deception.
I had discovered that a person does not have to be this or be that or be anything, not even oneself. One is free.
Walker Percy
I discovered that a lot of the songs I like, they're fantasies, a vision of something, but you don't actually live there.
Thomas Pablo Croquet
Not all things are to be discovered; many are better concealed.
In my life so far, I have discovered that there are really only two kinds of people: those who are for you, and those who are against you. Learn to recognize them, for they are often and easily mistaken for each other.
Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister
I used to try to figure out precisely what I was seeing all the time, until I discovered that I didn't need to. If the thing is true, why there it is.
Walker Evans
Listening only to my instincts, I discovered superb things.
Claude Monet
Wise sayings are not only for ornament, but for action and business, having a point or edge, whereby knots in business are pierced and discovered.
Francis Bacon
A capacity, and taste, for reading, gives access to whatever has already been discovered by others. It is the key, or one of the keys, to the already solved problems. And not only so. It gives a relish, and facility, for successfully pursuing the [yet] unsolved ones.
Abraham Lincoln
If the circulation of blood theory could not have been discovered without vivisection, the human kind could well have done without it.
Mahatma Gandhi
I soon discovered that they were absorbed in a silly kind of amorous correspondence with the girls of a neighbouring academy, but " what were all such toys to me?
Edmund Gosse