Distinguishes Quotes
Because reason...is the only thing that makes us men, and distinguishes us from the beasts, I would prefer to believe that it exists, in its entirety, in each of us.
What distinguishes the artist from the dilettante? Only the pain the artist feels. The dilettante looks only for pleasure in art.
In my travels all over the world, I have come to realize that what distinguishes one child from another is not ability, but access. Access to education, access to opportunity, access to love.
The thing that distinguishes permanent poverty is bad character.
I think what distinguishes this fair is the fact that everybody is involved -- city fathers, township trustees and the city workers even.
While she is lovely, we need to remember that her face is not what distinguishes her. Her beauty is a reflection of the virtue and talent she keeps inside.
What distinguishes man from the brute is his conscious striving to realise the spirit within.