Abstinence Quotes
A virtuous abstinence from the joys of pederasty comes most easily to those who have no taste for it.
I just feel abstinence is the right thing to do. You don't want to ruin the experience of first sex with your wife, by comparing it to what you've done before.
Abstinence sows sand all over The ruddy limbs and flaming hair, But desire gratified Plants fruits of life and beauty there.
Abstinence is many times very helpful to the end of religion.
You're quite right there," he said. "I have practiced abstinence myself for years, and had my time of fasting, too, but now I find myself once more beneath the sign of Aquarius, a dark and humid constellation.
Abstinence is the surety of temperance.
No doubt solitude is wholesome, but so is abstinence after a surfeit. The true life of man is in society.
Abstinence is easier than temperance.
It is useless to subdue the flesh by abstinence, unless one gives up his irregular life, and abandons vices which defile his soul.
It is not abstinence from pleasures that is best, but mastery over them without being worsted.
To preach abstinence, I think, is absolutely not the right message to give to kids.
Condoms will break, but I can assure you that vows of abstinence will break more easily than condoms.
Abstinence works, I know it from my own personal life, abstinence works.
If you want to preserve your virginity, it's about not wanting to belong to the human species.
The national policy of promoting abstinence-only programs is a $1.5 billion failure and teenage girls are paying the real price.
The whole duty of man is embraced in the two principles of abstinence and patience: temperance in prosperity, and patient courage in adversity.