Solving Quotes
There's no problem so great it can't be solved. If it can't be solved, it's not a problem, it's reality.
Science, in the very act of solving problems, creates more of them.
I credit my mom with inspiring in me a love of design, matched by her creative problem-solving abilities. This is a woman who could find an old, discarded piece of furniture, bring it home and turn it into something fabulous.
Give yourself an impossible task and solve it - then you've got a really good story.
The stronger person is not the one making the most noise but the one who can quietly direct the conversation toward defining and solving problems.
Most of us are experts at solving other people's problems, but we generally solve them in terms of our own and the advice we give is seldom for other people but for ourselves.
“I have a whole set of problem-solving behaviors and I am anxious to use them, in much the same way that I would stand up on the train to give my seat to someone who seems to need it more than I do: here is something I can address, and I do, and all is well.”
As an artist you have the luxury of maybe presenting an issue in a certain way, as opposed to actually solving it.
My mum was a quintessential businesswoman. She taught me problem – solving. She can solve any problem.
To guarantee success, spend 95% of your time defining the problem and 5% of the time solving it.
The various levels of problems and issues are interwoven, so that solving any one of them without simultaneously addressing the others rarely works for long.
There is no problem so great it cannot be solved.
After we had conducted thousands of experiments on a certain project without solving the problem, one of my associates, after we had conducted the crowning experiment and it had proved a failure, expressed discouragement and disgust over our having failed to find out anything. I cheerily assured him that we had learned something. For we had learned for a certainty that the thing couldnt be done that way, and that we would have to try some other way.
For the absurd man, it is not a matter of explaining and solving, but of experiencing and describing. Everything begins with lucid indifference.
Problem-solving is hunting; it is savage pleasure and we are born to it.
We are always looking for ways to add fun and an element of discovery to our customers' personal Starbucks experiences. Whether solving the puzzles alone, or with someone whose company they enjoy, the next six weeks should be a lot of fun for Starbucks customers.
Never bring the problem solving stage into the decision making stage. Otherwise, you surrender yourself to the problem rather than the solution.
Those who criticize the most typically end up solving the least.
If the poor only had profiles there would be no difficulty in solving the problem of poverty.
But solving problems of disease is not the same thing as creating health and happiness. (...) Health and happiness are the expression of the manner in which the individual responds and adapts to the challenges that he meets in everyday life.
I personally, generally, don't really feel much emotion if there's some problem and I'm actively solving it.
We have reached the end of problem solving as a mode of inquiry capable of inspiring, mobilizing, and sustaining human system change. The future of Organization Development belongs to methods that affirm, compel, and accelerate anticipatory learning involving larger and larger levels of collectivity.
One barrier... is the impoverishment of classroom language, the failure to cultivate a common vocabulary about inquiry, explanation, argument and problem solving.
It is a mistake to travel in the hope of solving one's problems. One merely transports them and is thus forced to endure them among strangers.