Dia de Los Muertos is a holiday that pays tribute to the dead and also celebrates life. So I thought, what better of an idea to bring it in with PETA and let people know how we can respect the living and the dead. Going vegetarian could be an incredible option for people if they would just educate themselves.
I know a lot of people who don't wash their makeup off of their face at night, and I think that's the worst thing ever. So my thing is, if you ever have a day that you get dolled up, you have to wash all of that makeup off.
You can get fake fur, which, if that's what you want - if you want that fur look - it looks just the same. It's really unnecessary to skin an animal when you can get something that looks just the same without hurting anything.
It'd be fun to do a comedy with someone like Sandra Bullock.
When I stopped eating meat, I noticed that it was easier for me to focus, and I was really proud of myself for being green also... I had a plethora of reasons for going vegetarian.
My first on-screen kiss was lame: Nickelodeon. But my first real-life kiss was super cute and nice, but still very awkward. It was with this hot skateboarder with dreadlocks. He was my little Rasta man.
'Twilight' has been a great opportunity, and it's been great fun. Hey, if I'm 50, and someone still wants an autograph for 'Twilight,' OK, cool.
We've been programmed to think meat is protein and you need meat. No, we are not cavemen. There are plenty other ways.
I'm not a really big comic book person. I know the typical ones - 'Spider-Man' and 'Wonder Woman' and 'Storm' and that stuff. But don't quiz me, because I'm not good at things like that.
I make a fabulous tofurkey for Thanksgiving. My Mexican-Italian family can't tell the difference.
I have a lot of 'Twilight' gear. I love the hoodies that say 'vampires' and 'werewolves,' but I refuse to get one because I can't choose; I have to have them both. I have the Team Edward T-shirt, but I also have Team Jacob.
I listen to the Mars Volta and Fiona Apple every day. I feel if you do write music, you write what you listen to, and you couldn't possibly write in another genre. So those are the two that I usually use.
I've always been opposed to slaughtering, eating, and wearing carcasses.
I'd love to play someone who's insane or something, just so I can go flake out. I like a superhero. I know that's ironic. That's where we are, but seriously, it'd be really cool to play a superhero.
Some days, I know beauty techniques like it's my job, and other days I can't do my makeup for the life of me. So I find it easiest to just put on mineral veil and a little mascara and call it a day. I use Physician's Formula and Bare Minerals every day of my life.
I have a terrible, terrible fear of knives. I only buy food that I don't need to cut... I haven't cut my food in years! Like, I won't even touch a plastic knife or anything sharp. And if I'm in a kitchen and somebody picks up a knife, I leave.
I have little weird things that aren't really specific but are just kind of odd. I write my 5's backwards, and I don't know if anyone would even care, at all.
I was a serious competitive figure skater and still ice-skate as much as I can. Anyway, I once brought a date to the rink to have him experience what I was into. So all is going fine, and then - bam! - he bit it extremely hard! Skate time was over. His bruises were scary. I felt so bad.
I usually go to Lush for hair products. I had no idea that this existed, but they have a shampoo rock, and it looks like a bar of soap, and I was tripping out when they told me it was a shampoo, so that's pretty sweet.
I've been designing my own pieces for a long time. My mother's a jewelry designer, so we knew at some point we were going to do a line and dive into the fashion world.