We're doing a great disservice to our young people because the only protection is abstinence, as condoms have been proven fallible....The federal government should not be telling young people to use condoms....It's also an insult to teenagers, reducing them to the level of a dog that can't control its hormones.
In order to restore our country to the principles on which it was founded, we need to elect leaders that believe in the principles of the party, not just the power of the party.
I believe psychics are either kooks or they're tapping into a real power. But it is not, it's not a holy power, it's an evil power. No offense to James Van Praagh, because I think that he has a good heart and he really believes that what he is doing is good, and perhaps you are deceived…
During the primary, I heard the audible voice of God. He said, 'Credibility.' It wasn't a thought in my head. I thought it meant I was going to win. But after the primary, I got credibility.
Christine O'Donnell: Well, don't you think as a host, if I say 'this is what I want to talk about', that's what we should address?Piers Morgan: Not really, no. You're a politician.
God may choose to heal someone from cancer, yet that person still has a great deal of medical bills. The outstanding bills do not determine whether or not the patient has been healed by God.
Well, creationism, in essence, is believing that the world began as the Bible in Genesis says, that God created the Earth in six days, six 24-hour periods. And there is just as much, if not more, evidence supporting that.
That witchcraft comment on Bill Maher? I was in high school! How many of you didn't hang out with questionable folks in high school? But no, there's been no witchcraft since. If there was, Karl Rove would be a supporter now.
Satanism has re-emerged among Generation X with an arrogance that mocks its members as it blatantly destroys them.
They even want unelected panels of bureaucrats to decide who gets what life-saving medical care and who is just too old or it’s too expensive to be worth saving.
Look at what Bush has done. The economy took an incredible hit after September 11. That was a huge shock to the economy. And we've recovered a lot quicker than we thought, thanks to Bush and his economic policy.
I am not a witch. I'm nothing you've heard. I'm you.
America is now a socialist economy. The definition of a socialist economy is when 50% or more of your economy is dependent on the federal government.
Absolutely, but let me qualify that- I consider myself an authentic feminist. Not as defined by the modern movement. And, let me clarify that a little bit more. I was an English major, so break it down: -ist means one who celebrates. As a feminist, I celebrate my femininity.
People are always talking about how bad the seventies were, but things in the popular culture have gotten much worse even since then. I grew up watching Laverne & Shirley, and Lenny and Squiggy never slept over. Now with shows like Friends or Married... with Children, sex is everywhere. I mean, can you imagine the minds that were raised on those shows?
The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery, so you can't masturbate without lust.
We're not trying to take back our country. We are our country.
And to me, it's a very anti-human way to go about this. And what I mean about anti-human is even if the population is increasing, so what? So what? People aren’t bad. When did humans become a bad thing? Why is it that we have to, you know, stop people from getting pregnant?
Eric Nies: You're going to stop the whole country from having sex?Christine O'Donnell: Yeah. Yeah!Eric Nies: You're living on a prayer if you think that's going to happen.Christine O'Donnell: That's not true. I'm a young woman in my thirties and I remain chaste.
There's only truth and not truth. You're either very good or evil. I went back to my dorm and asked myself what I was. If your principles aren't grounded in absolute truth, you don't know what to think.
About President Bush's stand against condoms, condoms will not protect you from AIDS. So to just throw a bunch of condoms over to Africa and say, here, we're helping you with AIDS, is just going to further the spread of AIDS over there.
In the guise of so-called freedom of separation of church and state, they're trying to institute a communist country and that sounds radical but that's the truth. I mean, why aren't they trying to take out, you know, 'thou shall not kill'? That's a religious concept. That's a commandment. Why are they not taking that out of our legal system?
It's time to replace career politicians with citizen's politicians. It's time to elect people who are going to stand up to the Washington elite and stand up to a White House and Congress hell-bent on ramming socialism down our throat.
And I'm asking for your support because I want to defend America, as I've said before, from becoming a socialist nation.