Cameron Crowe Quotes
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Leather accents on pieces make it fun and spices up an outfit.
I think it was 37 years that I did music.
I was a sophomore in college, and I did an industrial video about how to use the Internet - that dates me! It was with John Turturro, somehow they had gotten John Turturro to do this thing, and I was so excited and so nervous I probably drank 10 cups of coffee that morning.
Whether or not we are religious, respecting others should be seen as just as important as looking out for ourselves, yet it requires discipline to change our bad habits that cause pain to animals.
I started off doing theater as a kid, and I always played a character. I hid behind the script and was told where to go. But to actually perform as yourself is very difficult. I didn't used to enjoy it, but now I do.
I think it's a mistake to miss out on joy just because you have pain.
You shall not covet thy neighbor's wife? Well, how about if she goddamn covets me? What do you think about that?
The highest morality may prove also to be the highest wisdom when the half-told story comes to be finished.
I never wrote music for the mainstream.
Scottish men of a certain age have a black response to almost everything as a measure of how sophisticated they are. I have a very long fuse that eventually explodes after building up a nice head of steam, although it's only happened three times - usually at work when someone takes me for granted.
MTV definitely has the effect of narrowing the range of music that hits the mainstream. On the other hand, isn't that the effect of television in general?
I don't think the entire world respects women in sport. But if FIFA start respecting the women's game more, others will follow.
Indeed, we often mark our progress in science by improvements in imaging.
It's dead nice to know I've achieved something.
There's also a lot of gritty Americana type of bands. I actually have a lot of Britpop on my iPod, too.
The songs, if I write alone in a room, end up being a little more quiet, a little more subdued. If I play with other musicians or percussive instruments, it might end up being a little more upbeat.
I love Calvin Klein underwear. That's the only kind of underwear I wear.
There's always room for growth. I feel like I'll never get to the point where I'm 100 percent happy with where I am with my career.
If your goal is to write a book for publication, rule number one is that no one ever finished a book without sitting down and getting started. Few authors get published without engaging in the daily discipline of writing, even if some days that means staring down a blank notebook or computer screen and drooling into your bag of pork rinds.
Our culture is obsessed with youth because we have lost the ancient knowledge that growth never stops. We are not transient, momentary mistakes in the cosmos- evolutionary curiosities that rise like mayflies, swarm for a day, and are gone. We are players who are here to stay, and the universe was built with us in mind. We reflect it, with our deepest loves and loftiest aspirations, just as it reflects us.
His generals were ready; his sons were. It remained to be seen whether the Arab nations were ready to meet them in war. In their arrogance, they had invited annihilation.
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