I sit alone at present, dreaming darkly of a Dun.
’T was ever thus from childhood’s hour! My fondest hopes would not decay:I never loved a tree or flower Which was the first to fade away.
Forever; ’t is a single word! Our rude forefathers deemed it two:Can you imagine so absurd A view?
Read not Milton, for he is dry; nor Shakespeare, for he wrote of common life.
I know you've been married to the same woman for 69 years. That is marvellous. It must be very inexpensive.
The farmer’s daughter hath soft brown hair (Butter and eggs and a pound of cheese)And I met with a ballad, I can’t say where, That wholly consisted of lines like these.
I cannot sing the old songs now! It is not that I deem them low, 'Tis that I can't remember how They go.
Meaning, however, is no great matter.
White is the wold, and ghostlyThe dank and leafless trees;And 'M's and 'N's are mostly Pronounced like 'B's and 'D's:'Neath bleak sheds, ice-encrusted,The sheep stands, mute and stolid:And ducks find out, disgusted,That all the ponds are solid.
O my own, my beautiful, my blue-eyed! To be young once more and bite my thumbAt the world and all its cares with you, I’d Give no inconsiderable sum.
Now the 'rosy morn appearing'Floods with light the dazzled heaven;And the schoolboy groans on hearingThat eternal clock strike seven:-Now the waggoner is drivingTowards the fields his clattering wain;Now the bluebottle, reviving,Buzzes down his native pane.