To me, talk shows are those things during the middle of the afternoon where the underbelly of society is made to look like Middle America.
When I saw 'Caddyshack,' I realized I couldn't act.
I prefer movies because the money is better and certainly because you really know where you stand when you are making movies, and I have made a lot of them: 50-something - I don't know.
Fame is a very unnatural human condition.
Once I got married and had kids, I moved away from romantic roles, because it seemed wrong to have my three-year-old wondering why Daddy was kissing someone else.
They can't make any of these talented young actors Fletch. You might as well make a movie called Chevy Chase.
Avoid fatty foods, Bensonhurst, and hair care products.
Break as few bones as possible and make as much noise as you can.
What interests me is being alive and being with friends that I care about and being as creative as I can given circumstance.
The first thing that happens is that you're overwhelmed by so much attention. It's just so unnatural. Only people who've been in that position can realize what it's like. I mean, you have to be there.
Who made me laugh when I was growing was Chaplin and the Marx Brothers, and then moving on, there were so many that I was a writer for for many years: I was a writer for the Smothers Brothers, Lily Tomlin, then I started on 'Saturday Night Live' as the head writer the first year we started it.
In this business, you can come and go in a second.
A laugh is a surprise. And all humor is physical. I was always athletic, so that came naturally to me.
I would love to do a movie with Albert Brooks; we're so different, but I find him so funny, and I can be just as seemingly narcissistic as he comes off, the 'it's all about me' kind of thing.
Parodies came about because Mr. Ford was actually one of the better athletes of our presidents... but he continually had physical accidents... he was an easy target for me. The main idea was to get people laughing.
I made about 28 movies, and I think about five of them were good.
I am just happy that I have children. I don't care what they want to do!
For one thing, you need a lot of self-confidence to be on the top of your field. There are times probably where I appear to be over-confident or arrogant. It's really in the eye of the beholder.
It's not like I am working with the great innovators of all time, but at the same time, they are my friends.
All those car battles with my brother Ned were excellent training. Even now, on the set, if we're getting into a vehicle, I'll yell 'shotgun' first. Thus forcing Steve Martin into the back of the car.
Thank God I have the right friends.
I tell the person I won't take a picture or sign the autograph, but I will shake their hand. That kind of personal touch is all they're really seeking.
It's so important, people laughing.
It was pretty clear that I was a funny guy, just as a guy.