I am essentially a child at heart, and that's something that's never lost on me. It starts with the liberation of the writer's imagination. When you have that kind of really inspired material in your hands, if you can't enjoy it... there are some curmudgeonly people I guess who don't care for this stuff, but it's such a gas. It's so much fun.
When I was playing football, I was getting up to 240 pounds, and they wanted me to get to 260.
Athletics provided a life preserver for me, and that maybe kept me out of trouble. I never partied in high school. I mostly just dated.
The business I’ve found myself in for my adult life, it requires a certain amount of stereotyping. It’s just the nature of the beast. You have a limited amount of time to tell a story; in particular on camera. So you want the visual information there to provide a certain amount of background. People that look a certain way are cast in certain roles.
Your basic physical makeup does influence the parts you're offered. If you're big, they cast you either dumb or tough, although there are exceptions. Clint Eastwood and James Arness carved out niches for themselves in Westerns. I just hope I won't be faced with doing 'Li'l Abner' in dinner theater for the rest of my career.
It took me a few years to realize I might want to get into acting as a profession.