One prayer routine that is balanced and easy to remember is found in the word ACTS, an acrostic whose four letters stand for adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication.
Bill Hybels -
If Christ's followers aren't growing, it is because they are not making a habit of evaluating their lives. They don't step back and ask, 'What's working and what's not working?'
Bill Hybels
People who are serious about something always make room for it in their schedules. If prayer is important to you, then you'll find time to do it.
Bill Hybels -
He's dangerous because when God talks to him Bob will do whatever God asks him to do at great cost, even if no one agrees, if it's contrary to the way the stream is going, if Bob feels God is in it he will do it.
Bill Hybels -
God wants to father all of us until we're dead sure of his approval, his guiding power and his promise of heaven.
Bill Hybels -
Those churches have closed down or have been merged with a church that has a more positive vision.
Bill Hybels -
When Jesus prayed the model prayer we call the Lord's Prayer, his first requests were that God's name be shown reverence, that his kingdom come, that his will be done.
Bill Hybels -
Perfect peace comes only through relating with the Peacemaker himself.
Bill Hybels
Never forget that if you are God's child through Jesus Christ, you are praying to a Father who couldn't love you more than he already does.
Bill Hybels -
Thirty years ago, we were in a movie theater and thought it was so cool because we were finally delivered from the horrors of stained glass and wooden pews.
Bill Hybels -
A key ingredient in authentic Christianity is time. Not leftover time, not throwaway time, but quality time. Time for contemplation, meditation and reflection. Unhurried, uninterrupted time.
Bill Hybels -
If you're a parent, you know how incredibly good it feels when one of your children spontaneously thanks you for something. God is our Father, and he, too, is moved when we express our thanksgiving.
Bill Hybels -
When the spirit of adoration takes over and we begin pondering God's attributes, we soon say from the heart, 'I am praying to a tremendous God!' Which only motivates us to keep on praying.
Bill Hybels -
When we make a habit of prayer, we stay constantly tuned to God's presence and open to receive his blessings.
Bill Hybels
The reality is that our God is good. It's in his nature to be good; it's who he is-a giving God, a blessing God, an encouraging God, a nurturing God, an empowering God, a loving God. This is the God who willingly waits for your call.
Bill Hybels -
I hate thinking about it, teaching about it, and writing about it. But the plain truth is that hell is real and real people go there for eternity.
Bill Hybels -
By forcing us to look closely at our requests, prayer purifies us.
Bill Hybels -
It takes a great deal of courage to follow another person's lead.
Bill Hybels -
God-honoring prayers are not simply shopping lists. They are more than cries for help, strength, mercy and miracles. Authentic prayer should include worship, submission, requests, and confessions.
Bill Hybels -
If the disciples were capable of making wrong requests - requests that were self-serving, patently materialistic, shortsighted or immature - I feel sure that we are too. Fortunately God loves us too much to say yes to inappropriate requests.
Bill Hybels
Keep on praying because the Father does listen. He loves our company, he wants us to endure in prayerfulness and he is eager to do whatever is best for us.
Bill Hybels -
The key is to practice praying - and to practice praying regularly, privately, sincerely and specifically.
Bill Hybels -
The greatest prayer motivator in existence is answered prayer.
Bill Hybels -
Authentic Christians are persons who stand apart from others. Their character seems deeper, their ideas fresher, their spirit softer, their courage greater, their leadership stronger, their concerns wider, their compassion more genuine and their convictions more concrete.
Bill Hybels