Strength was the virtue of paganism; obedience is the virtue of Christianity.
If the purpose of the stumpy little NFT theatre under Waterloo Bridge is not to acquaint young audiences with Ozu, with Ophuels, with D. W. Griffith and with Agnes Varda, then what exactly does it exist for?
Surely our job while we're here on Earth is to learn about the world, not to create parallel universes.
No one but a fool is always right.
Thought is the wind and knowledge the sail.
In oratory the will must predominate.
Weak minds sink under prosperity as well as adversity; but strong and deep ones have two high tides.
In the '70s, terrorism was much more serious, in that many more people got killed.
Politics is just a function of business now, just a tributary of the great entrepreneurial capitalist system.
'Via Dolorosa' is the only thing I have ever acted in my life, professionally, and I'll never act again.
The future of American film lies on television.
Children always turn to the light.
Nothing is further than earth from heaven, and nothing is nearer than heaven to earth.
Purity is the feminine, truth the masculine of honor.
When they speak, dead frogs fall out of their mouths.
Some people carry their heart in their head and some carry their head in their heart. The trick is to keep them apart yet working together.
As human beings, we are all not conducting just one narrative but many narratives all at the same time.
Are we simply waving farewell to the days when some of the most interesting thinking in Europe and America came to us from our fiction film-makers? BBC2, which once introduced and showed great films, now shows none.
The actual business of writing dialogue is not thought of as a craft.
The one thing that 'Via Dolorosa' has is no opinions. To me, curiosity is 50 times as valuable as opinion.
The ultimate tendency of civilization is towards barbarism.
You can't get a contemporary story about what is going on inside government, and how society sees itself, on American TV.
The poetry from the eighteenth century was prose; the prose from the seventeenth century was poetry.
Sudden resolutions, like the sudden rise of mercury in a barometer, indicate little else than the variability of the weather.