I think mortality makes you live a fuller existence. When I was a kid I was scared of death, and maybe that's what made me desperate to get the most out of life.
I've actually always been into suits. But I never really wore them, I guess because I was too young and it didn't feel right.
My sensei was a British karate champion named Brian Fitkin. He was my mentor and because I had a hard relationship with my dad, he became a father figure to me.
I used to play drums when I was a kid, play the trombone.
I try to keep the martial arts up. It's a good thing, not just physically but also for your mind.
I do a little bit of yoga-style meditation. Relaxing and breathing even just one minute a day makes a big difference.
Having bodyguards is just part of being famous, I think.
I wanted to become an engineer, or get a masters in business. But I had the opportunity to do films when I was about 25 and it was a great way to express myself.
When I was a teenager, my dad used to put a lot of pressure on me to be successful, and I'd really beat myself up about things like losing martial arts competitions.
I discovered martial arts, first judo and then karate, and I became quite good at it, because I had something to prove. And more than anything, I needed to feel safe.
Nicolas Cage is a great actor and he's done some good action movies too.
I think by planning an exercise regime, your diet follows to some extent.
Jackie Chan, I've known him, he's a great guy. I know he's very watchable and fun. He's perfect, actually.
Everybody's life has some mythical quality. You struggle against obstacles, you fight to get to a higher level and there are great loves.
Your body's made to run, to walk, to trek long distances and carry things, work in a forest, and hunt animals. You have to keep it alive to function.
When I started studying acting in New York, I didn't plan to be an action hero. I just wanted to learn acting because I felt it was something I needed to try to do for myself, to express something, my inner pain, or something I couldn't get out.
Hollywood is great for entertaining people, it's a wonderful business but it's make-believe, you must remember that. That's one of the most important things to remember and the distinction in your own life, otherwise people get lost in their own fame, and it makes them unhappy.
There are a lot of great athletes who stop working out, and they get out of shape like everybody else in their 30s and 40s.
When I got cast in 'Rocky IV,' I had never seen a film camera before. And here I was in this boxing movie.
At least once a week, I try to have one day where I have nothing planned so I can get up and just go back to bed and lay around and recharge my batteries.