I have horrible shoe hang-ups. Particularly when it comes to flats.
In order to be a good emergency contact, you need a lot of friend-patience and empathy. Often, this comes from personal experience with anxiety, trauma, and depression.
Hopefully, if I get enough of a fan army together, people will let me write fiction.
'Awkward' is a ubiquitous teen word to denote socially unsanctioned behavior. It usually implies first- or secondhand embarrassment when you or a friend step outside the rules. Awkward doesn't sound overtly judgmental or negative; it's deliberately vague.
As a consumer, I love superheroes.
For people who deal with anxiety or depression or can't be in large social groups cognitively, emotionally, or even physically, phones help bridge the gap.
I suspect that living 24/7 in workout attire is the clothing version of the messy topknot. We all know that your hair is dirty, or too long, or too frizzy, or your roots have grown out, but we are all going to accept it as fabulous because that's the deal.
Never hold up your entire group of friends in real life trying to capture a perfect Instagram pose. Nobody cares.
If you're holding your iPhone, and it's the newest iteration of it, you're like, 'Oh, famous people have my phone. Captains of industry have my phone.' And that can be an intoxicating experience for someone who is going off to college for the first time.
When I moved to New York City from Texas at 22, amateur hour was over. As a newly grown-up person, I vowed I would wear dresses and skirts, wool trousers occasionally, and heels always.
When you have tools with which to stalk everyone all the time, the most seemingly aloof person wins.
If you can relate to what another person is going through while giving their experience room to be its own discrete thing, you're probably a crackerjack emergency contact.
I'm pretty sure I peaked at 15.
I have a lot of respect for people who write a whole book because I've heard it will kill you.
The first time I drank LaCroix, I half expected it to be filled with self-tanner. Or Axe body spray.
I like science a whole bunch, but I love 'The X-Files' more - I want to believe.
I'm definitely an indoor kid who's turned into an inside person.
Food rules. Little rivals the pleasure of tearing into a glistening burger.
Part of me just wants 'Jane' magazine back, and 'Sassy,' too.
The thing that I find interesting about teens now is that no matter how desperate we seem to be taxonomically 'othering' them, for one reason or another - because the Internet, because whatever - I feel like a lot of the benchmarks and the experiences are, you know, same for teens through time immemorial.