O, Woman! in our hours of ease,Uncertain, coy, and hard to please,And variable as the shadeBy the light quivering aspen made;When pain and anguish wring the brow,A ministering angel thou!
Walter Scott -
My foot is on my native heath, and my name is MacGregor.
Walter Scott
Still are the thoughts to memory dear.
Walter Scott -
O! many a shaft, at random sent, Finds mark the archer little meant! And many a word, at random spoken, May soothe or wound a heart that's broken!
Walter Scott -
It's no fish ye're buying, it's men's lives.
Walter Scott -
Each age has deemed the new-born year the fittest time for festal cheer.
Walter Scott -
Many miles away there's a shadow on the door of a cottage on the Shore of a dark Scottish lake.
Walter Scott -
A foot more light, a step more true,Ne'er from the heath-flower dash'd the dew.
Walter Scott
To all, to each, a fair good-night, and pleasing dreams, and slumbers light.
Walter Scott -
Look back, and smile on perils past.
Walter Scott -
That day of wrath, that dreadful day,When heaven and earth shall pass away,What power shall be the sinner's stay?How shall he meet that dreadful day?
Walter Scott -
The stag at eve had drunk his fill,Where danced the moon on Monan's rill,And deep his midnight lair had madeIn lone Glenartney's hazel shade.
Walter Scott -
Fat, fair, and forty.
Walter Scott -
Widowed wife and wedded maid.
Walter Scott
Heap on more wood!-the wind is chill;But let it whistle as it will,We’ll keep our Christmas merry still.
Walter Scott -
Sound, sound the clarion, fill the fife!To all the sensual world proclaim,One crowded hour of glorious lifeIs worth an age without a name.
Walter Scott -
Revenge is the sweetest morsel to the mouth, that ever was cooked in hell.
Walter Scott -
Too much rest is rust.
Walter Scott -
Rouse the lion from his lair.
Walter Scott -
Stood for his country’s glory fast,And nail’d her colours to the mast!
Walter Scott
Scared out of his seven senses.
Walter Scott -
Love rules the court, the camp, the grove, And men below, and saints above: For love is heaven, and heaven is love.
Walter Scott -
With head upraised, and look intent,And eye and ear attentive bent,And locks flung back, and lips apart,Like monument of Grecian art,In listening mood, she seemed to stand,The guardian Naiad of the strand.
Walter Scott -
What I have to say is far more important than how long my eyelashes are.
Walter Scott