Brad Garrett Quotes
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I can think of no one that my grandparents knew, that told me stories and that I experienced myself, had any sense of social inferiority growing up in segregated Washington. None whatsoever.
I've got some incredible fans actually - so loyal and they make me birthday cards and Christmas cards. I got this package of poems and artwork based around the songs. They've got this thing called 'Floetry' where they all have to put in artwork. They've set up their own competitions and stuff which is kind of amazing.
Don't go getting mixed up in the business of your betters, or you'll land in trouble too big for you.
People are like, 'Was it hard growing up mixed?' 'Did you not fit in?' and I'm like, 'No? What? That's the dumbest question ever.'
But the soul of touring and the heart of it is basically every day is like putting up a circus tent.
I gave up school. I gave up a really, really good job. I gave up a lot of stuff. I cut a lot of people out of my life so I could just focus on my fighting dreams.
The great apologist has to have lived large and wild. If he's going to kiss the world's boo-boos and make up, he'd better plant some bruises first. A master apologizer has to be a Lord Byron, a Rick in Casablanca, a Lee Atwater, anyway.
Thank God we're not like America. Everyone wants to look like they're 20. In Europe we admire grown-up women; I think men revere older women.
We who grew up with 'drop and cover' drills know all too well what wonders science can bring us, and we like to see the guy in the white lab coat suffer a little. Or a lot.
There is no such thing as a Mass Mind. The Mass Audience is made up of individuals, and good advertising is written always from one person to another. When it is aimed at millions it rarely moves anyone.
Growing up, I liked all the stuff that everyone else was listening to, like Motown, but the biggest group of all was The Beatles.
I'll never retire. I'm just using up somebody else's oxygen if I retire.
If I would go up on a high note, Eddie would want a low one. That's how petty the situation had become.
Up until recently, I've always been a vintage store guy. I get a lot of my clothes second hand. I really enjoy being able to look through different styles you can find and how eclectic the vintage store vibe is.
Let's be cautious about dreaming up extreme scenarios. The situation in Iraq is still salvageable.
I think something happens to us biologically when we have children where the worry sets in immediately. And I don't think that ever goes away. But you have to fight your instincts to build walls up around your children or to want to shelter and protect them from everything.
Spirituality is a growth industry. And nothing illustrates that better than the burgeoning crop of colossal sanctuaries sprouting up in suburbs across the land.
The reason I got into acting was not to explore myself. I was a reader, I didn't care about acting. I got into it in college, but I had no interest really in that, in getting up in front of anybody.
He hasn't thrown me a pick yet, but hopefully I can get one because I know he loves to give them out. When you watch any other game they play it seems like he's just throwing them up there for grabs. Hopefully, he'll do that this week.
If you want creative and successful children, resign yourself to jousting with rebels.
You know, entropy is associated thermodynamically, in systems involving heat, with disorder. And in an analogous way, information is associated with disorder, which seems paradoxical. But when you think about it, a bit of information is a surprise. If you already knew what the message contained, there would be no new information in it.
Press coverage has been difficult for him. I did not set out to ensnare him with a child.
There is an old-fashioned word for the body of skills that emotional intelligence represents: character.
I became a stand-up because that was my survival.