I've been programming computers since elementary school, where they taught us, and I stuck with computer science through high school and college.
I love strategy and RPG games.
I just love comedy, and I honestly believe that laughter transcends everything. If everyone laughed together, laughed more, it would unite the world in peace.
At the end of the day, I just want the world to live in peace and harmony.
I have a lot of appreciation for what people do in front of the camera as well as behind the camera. I don't think I could like one without the other. Eventually, I think the road will lead me down to producing or directing, because it's more about problem solving.
Anonymity breeds irresponsibility.
Anyone can be a hero. You just have to have faith in yourself.
Coming from a programming background, I have a good sense of what's feasible and what's not feasible in a game.
I was raised by a single mother, and she felt the Japanese education system, albeit wonderful, keeps you in a certain range. You have to be better than this level but below this level.
I am very happy to help share the great treasure trove of Japanese content with the western world.
At its core, 'Heroes' is an ensemble character drama with genre elements.
My house is like a manga library in many ways, and it's great because I get to call it research.
Will Smith is just an all-around amazing talent and really funny.
I'm a real dumb-dumb in real life. I'm just book smart. But definitely not street smart. The other day I lost my jacket in a cab. And I'll forget things every time I leave the house.
Being a geek is a great thing. I think we're all geeks. Being a geek means you're passionate about something and that defines your uniqueness. I would rather be passionate about something than be apathetic about everything.
One of the reasons I took up acting was to learn to be more human, to get in touch with human emotions.
Playing a superhero was an acting challenge for me. It was fun.
I got to college and saw all of my friends going to these other schools and thought, 'You know, college is just a blank slate.' And I had an opportunity to go to different schools, but I chose Brown because it was unique and allowed you to be yourself as an individual and like I said, it's a blank slate.
To have a director's direct feedback is invaluable.
I am a geek. I am an otaku.
I would say that there's definitely some advantages with me being able to talk shop with some of the effects people. Because I come from a post-production world, I can speak shorthand with them. I don't think many other actors can say that and know how the process 100% works.
I'm not American. I still have my Japanese citizenship.
I still have a Japanese passport. I haven't become an American citizen, and I am worried about getting deported every day.
I was born in Japan and moved to L.A. when I was six, and I grew up with Japanese culture. I was reading manga, and I read 'Death Note' in real time in Japanese.