Brett Ratner Quotes
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We fear our passage will be attended with difficulties by reason of the great number of passingers which are one hundred and eighty and upwards in number.
At the cross God wrapped his heart in flesh and blood and let it be nailed to the cross for our redemption.
God only expects man and woman to be together and to be legally married, only if they so are in love with each other.
It is not God's will merely that we should be happy, but that we should make ourselves happy.
I don't write the books. God writes the books and delivers the speeches.
All my life, I've been working with male directors, which I've really enjoyed. And I'm lucky in that I've worked with men who have a lot of respect for women. But working with a woman is a different experience. It feels like the communication is different.
Self-respect, the value of 'face,' is universal but is most pronounced in China, then in Japan where the Confucian ethic is most influential.
I think that's what art is about: to provoke you. It helps me make sense of a senseless universe because I become the god of the story. I create it, and I see it in all its lineaments in my own way and can control it – in a world in which everything else is out of control.
First time I walked out on the Opry stage, Vince Gill was there. He kind of 'daddied' me through the whole thing. My knees were knocking. I walked out there, and I was literally shaking. They say it's the spirits or the ghosts. And out of respect for that whole establishment, I was really really nervous.
It may be that when the angels go about their task praising God, they play only Bach. I am sure, however, that when they are together en famille they play Mozart.
I've seen myself on those lists of the 100 best guitarists, and if they think that I'm that good, thank them. Thank God for them. But I don't think so.
Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!
Atheists have as much conscience, possibly more, than people with deep religious conviction, and they still have the same problem of how they reconcile themselves to a bad deed in the past. It's a little easier if you've got a god to forgive you.
I am not very proud of being an human being; in fact, I distinctly dislike the species in many ways. I can readily conceive of beings vastly superior in every respect.
There's a kind of optimism specifically within Christianity about the world - about whose side God is on. Well, I didn't have any of that in my background. I had physicality and chaos.
When your maturity is derived from circumstantial factors other than faith, your level of maturity would continue to fluctuate rather than being stable. This is why I am enabled to maintain a balance and stable approach to the challenges that come my way every day. I am not moved by what people say or do concerning my relationship with God.
God the Father and God the Son cannot be everywhere present; indeed they cannot be even in two places at the same instant: but God the Holy Spirit is omnipresent - it extends through all space, with all other matter.
I believe in one power, and that is the hand of God. I respect all religions.
He who is satisfied has never truly craved, and he who craves for the light of God neglects his ease for ardor.
I shall never believe that God plays dice with the world.
They (the publishers) would be ecstatic, I just refuse to. You can't repeat a great act.
I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but, by God, they frighten me.
I'm not a pop act, churning stuff out really quickly. I find the music that arises from that style of working is distracted, not particularly profound.
I fear God and respect God and love God.