I actually get quite sad when I smell bacon.
What does animal welfare have to do with food safety? The animals are the food! They are living in their own excrement, developing horrific sores, stressed out, and, therefore, more vulnerable to illness and disease.
McDonald's says it's phasing out pig gestation crates. When I heard that news, I almost started crying.
I say, do not mess with Oprah. The one person in America you shouldn't mess with.
Using animals for entertainment is big business, plain and simple.
It's time for compassionate Americans to send a wake-up call to their members of Congress and demand passage of legislation to end the wholesale slaughter of America's horses once and for all.
In Hollywood, they say good news finds you.
The myriad of serious health risks resulting from poor diet include high cholesterol, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and even sleep apnea.
In elementary school, we should teach nonviolent conflict resolution and healthy communication skills, which will help children cope with issues like rejection and sexuality later in life.
There's no better feeling in the world than knowing that my show played a role in stopping animal abuse or alleviating animal suffering.
I am what I want. What I seek to consume, possess, and achieve is a mirror that reflects my lusts and cravings, values and priorities, and moral boundaries or lack thereof.
There are definitions of morbid obesity. Doctors define it.
Now, Spitzer was an anti-crime crusader cracking down on prostitution and Wall Street corruption. So some people were looking to take him down.
If parents don't instruct their kids on the narrow boundaries of respectful behavior toward the opposite sex, their kids won't learn it anywhere else.
The fact is: America's obsession with meat and dairy has pretty much destroyed our sense of taste. The average burger and milkshake meal is so overloaded with fat, salt and sugar that it has numbed our taste buds to virtually anything else.
I love 'Scandal.' It's my favorite show - it's really - the only one I really watch.
I say getting a lecturing from Oprah is probably the most terrifying lecture you could possibly get.
Wouldn't it help Americans more, in the long run, if we were forced to accept some responsibility for the environmental wreckage we prefer to assume is totally out of our control?
Obesity affects every aspect of a people's lives, from health to relationships.
In 2007, Lindsay Lohan seemed to be on top of the world, a bona fide star who had her pick of acting gigs. But it wasn't long before the veneer cracked, and Lindsay's life began to shatter.
Every day, it seems, a new extreme weather catastrophe happens somewhere in America, and the media's all over it, profiling the ordinary folks wiped out by forest fires, droughts, floods, massive sinkholes, tornadoes.
We have been brainwashed into craving a diet that is killing us. What we believe tastes good is generally what we have been socially conditioned to enjoy.
Denial is a very powerful thing.
Shopping in the right kind of stores and looking for healthier foods can be a wonderful adventure to health.