We lay there and looked up at the night sky and she told me about stars called blue squares and red swirls and I told her I'd never heard of them. Of course not, she said, the really important stuff they never tell you. You have to imagine it on your own.
There are days I drop words of comfort on myself like falling leaves and remember that it is enough to be taken care of by myself.
If you hold on to the handle, it's easier to maintain the illusion of control. But it's more fun if you just let the wind carry you.
Time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life.
In my dream the angel shrugged and said, if we fail this time, it will be a failure of imagination. And then she placed the world gently in the palm of my hand.
There are things you do because they feel right and they may make no sense and they may make no money and it may be the real reason we are here: to love each other and to eat each other's cooking and say it was good.
If you're right & I'm not, I'm going to be hell to live with, she said. So, you better think about that next time you want to be right.
There are some days when no matter what I say it feels like I'm far away in another country & whoever is doing the translating has had far too much to drink.
These are little packets of light and you need to plant them early in the year and remember to mark where they were because lots of times they look like weeds in the beginning and it's not until later that you see how beautiful they really are.
My grandma used to plant tomato seedlings in tin cans from tomato sauce & puree & crushed tomatoes she got from the Italian restaurant by her house, but she always soaked the labels off first. I don't want them to be anxious about the future, she said. It's not healthy.
I used to believe my father about everything but then I had children myself & now I see how much stuff you make up just to keep yourself from going crazy.
I sometimes wake in the early morning & listen to the soft breathing of my children & I think to myself, this is one thing I will never regret & I carry that quiet with me all day long.
I don't blame you for everything, she told me. Just the stuff my friends & I can agree on.
He loved her for almost everything she was & she decided that was enough to let him stay for a very long time.
If there is any secret to this life I live, this is it: the sound of what cannot be seen sings within everything that can & there is nothing more to it than that.
Opening a door to the mysteries, hoping to shed a little dark on all the stuff we think we know.
She said she usually cried at least once each day not because she was sad, but because the world was so beautiful and life was so short.
Most people don't know there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable & fall asleep & miss your life.
I read once that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand & the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow. I wish I had a thousand words for love, but all that comes to mind is the way you move against me while you sleep & there are no words for that.
Falling into Place: deciding everything is falling into place perfectly as long as you don't get too picky about what you mean by place. Or perfectly.
I once had a garden filled with flowers that grew only on dark thoughts, but they needed constant attention and one day I decided I had better things to do.
The clock is a conspiracy & a crime against humanity and I would not own one except I miss appointments without it.
Wrapped around my son with only the knowledge of the words of the world & a quiet remembrance of watching before this all began.
You're not going to see people like this again for a long time, he said and I said I always saw people like this & he looked at me for a moment and said, You're not from around here, are you?