Full disclosure: I went to university as an eager young feminist for many reasons - to get away from my parents, to soak up literature and knowledge, to cease being a child, to expand my mind and my world.
Janine di Giovanni -
In the aftermath of any war or genocide, healing and reconciliation are ultimate aspirations.
Janine di Giovanni
In Iraq during the days of Saddam, I had a government minder who followed me everywhere, reported on my activities.
Janine di Giovanni -
Once Iraq became a hot bed for kidnapping, reporters had to use every kind of trick they could manage to avoid it. This included chase cars, security men for more prosperous agencies and networks, and GPS signals on satellite phones that could pinpoint the journalist's locations.
Janine di Giovanni -
No one lives on credit in France because banks don't allow overdrafts and zero percent credit cards do not exist.
Janine di Giovanni -
It can't be bad having a mother who is fulfilled by her work.
Janine di Giovanni -
I never set out to be a journalist. I wanted to be a humanitarian doctor like Albert Schweitzer, working in Africa.
Janine di Giovanni -
Stockholm is surely an urban planner's dream. Everything works. Everything looks good.
Janine di Giovanni
For the first five years of Luca's life, I desperately wanted to be a good mother and not to pass on this trauma and darkness that his father and I had experienced, but there's a danger of suffocating your kids, too.
Janine di Giovanni -
Any protester knows that the only way activism works is to get the people on your side.
Janine di Giovanni -
In Pakistan, the right to go to school is not a given. In the more rural areas, a girl is born, married off as early as 9 years old, and basically lives life under the control of men.
Janine di Giovanni -
I often think I am a better person because I lived for many years of my life with a flashlight. I have developed skills I did not think were possible - bathing with a cup of water by candlelight, for instance, and writing a story with a headlamp on.
Janine di Giovanni -
It's hard for the Catholic Church to accept change. When the mass was no longer said in Latin, loyalists went into mourning for years.
Janine di Giovanni -
My earliest memories are of the civil rights era. My earliest experiences were rage.
Janine di Giovanni
During war time, when people were injured, I was really frustrated I did not become a doctor. It's painful not being able to save people, witnessing their pain.
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Posttraumatic stress is something that's always existed. I think that the earliest recording was during the Trojan War, but it's only recently that we're beginning to be aware of it.
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Human memory is short and terribly fickle.
Janine di Giovanni -
Every time I went to the doctor when I was in my twenties, he repeated the same thing to me: don't wait too long to have children.
Janine di Giovanni -
The fact is, feminism is not what it used to be.
Janine di Giovanni -
I see so many people get so wrapped up in wanting to get a bigger SUV or a bigger house. But then I think, 'My God, I could have been born a woman in the Congo.'
Janine di Giovanni
It is a well known urban myth that the French don't trust banks and store their money under their mattress. It's not that they are tight with money - they just don't trust anyone.
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Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.
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There are people who are seekers and people who aren't.
Janine di Giovanni -
In America, people know there are always 10 people better than them who are after their job. In France, they know that too - but no one is going to get their job till they go to their grave.
Janine di Giovanni