When you're on a football scholarship, you get a stipend that's supposed to cover your rent and a few incidentals. It was $360 a month. This was the late 1980s, and the NCAA has an interesting rule where you're not allowed to supplement your income with a part-time job.
Governor Romney has paid 100 percent of his taxes that are owed. He has complied 100 percent with what the law requires.
You know, I think what people want more than anything is they just want people to do what they say they're going to do.
The only way you can raise the debt ceiling is to change the trajectory of spending - that's my personal preference. But I want the Ways and Means Committee to offer up a solution.
I went to Brigham Young University on a football scholarship. I wasn't a football player; I was a place kicker.
I'm trying to unify us internally so that we can - instead of firing on each other - fire on the Democrats and communicate a message and start talking about issues.
I want to cut - personally, I want to cut spending. Personally, I just don't believe we can continue to add to the deficit. So, actually, personally, I like the budget cap.
When determining appropriate levels of compensation, management must determine if the employee turnover rate is too low, too high, or just right. If turnover rate is high enough to adversely impact the entity's performance, then employee compensation is probably too low.
Now I get a very nice salary as a member of Congress, but when I'm in Washington, I sleep in my office.
I've always viewed Mitt Romney as a very conservative person.
I didn't plan on running for speaker, but I don't see anyone else stepping up. I know I'm the underdog.
The fundamental problem is that President Obama has grown government. He has grown the private sector jobs.
I want to see overwhelming force repel anybody who is trying to get into the White House.
I have worked closely with my Democratic allies. Elijah Cummings is a good friend.
Every time we spend a federal dollar, what we're doing is we're pulling money out of somebody's pocket, and we're giving it to somebody else.
I don't have a problem talking about Medicare or Medicaid or some other very important issue.
We have seen an outrageous increase in the size, scope, and intrusiveness of the federal government.
I want to fight and win the war on cancer.
Federal spending is atrocious.
From December 2007 through June 2009, average federal employee salaries increased by 6.6 percent, while average private-sector salaries increased by 3.9 percent.
While the deficit and debt are serious problems, I oppose solving these problems by raising taxes.
I really truly worry that the debt is one of the single biggest threat to the United States of America, that we're talking about a problem that is multi-trillion in its depth and I think we ought to be cutting more.
Throughout my first year in office, I have stood up for principles that will guide our country back toward the path of freedom and prosperity.
I think, from the broad political spectrum, not just the Freedom Caucus, I think there is a need for internal reform that is how we bring bills up, getting back to regular order, how we offer amendments or don't offer amendments.