Consumer accountability drives quality and efficiency.
Pete Hoekstra -
After the heavily politicized 2007 Iran NIE, many of us in Congress found it hard to take some intelligence analysis at face value.
Pete Hoekstra
When I came to Congress in 1993, the traditional idea that all politics stopped at the water's edge was alive and well. Americans had been unified for the previous four decades against the threat from the former Soviet Union and communism.
Pete Hoekstra -
America is the freest country on the planet, but for Snowden, this isn't enough. He is a state diplomat in Snowden land.
Pete Hoekstra -
No president can amend the past, and the public is tired of candidates who simply point fingers instead of offering their own solutions. They want a leader who will describe the threats as they are and rally the country behind a strategy to defeat them.
Pete Hoekstra -
Americans must step back and realize that an effective foreign policy is very difficult to devise, and we must present a united front to make it work.
Pete Hoekstra -
Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead.
Pete Hoekstra -
Gadhafi was a monster who ruled his country for 42 years with an iron fist and became an international pariah as a result. However, he found religion once he recognized his perilous position when the U.S. adopted an uncompromising response to international terrorism following 9/11.
Pete Hoekstra
Gingrich, Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, and Clinton passed legislation because they understood and appreciated the difficult political process. They fought for their principles yet recognized the need for compromise to get anything done.
Pete Hoekstra -
An issue that really concerned me when I was on the House Intelligence Committee was the quality of analysis.
Pete Hoekstra -
Good governance requires working toward common ground. It isn't easy.
Pete Hoekstra -
Hard work, years of sacrifice, and dedication are necessary to succeed in the real world. Snowden's most notable accomplishment was lying about his military service, his experience, and education to procure a job with the NSA in the first place.
Pete Hoekstra -
The forces that rescued Americans on Sept. 11, 2012, were not the U.S. military. They were not the militias that overthrew Gadhafi. They were Gadhafi devotees who were loyal to him and to the U.S. government with whom their leader reached a 'deal.'
Pete Hoekstra -
The need to remove Col. Qaddafi should be self-evident.
Pete Hoekstra
The danger of having the military take over intelligence is that the military has a very different perspective on the world.
Pete Hoekstra -
America has historically met the challenges to its national security with decisive actions that defeated or, at a minimum, contained the threat.
Pete Hoekstra -
Governing has always been hard.
Pete Hoekstra -
World leaders need to approach the problems in the Middle East and northern Africa with imaginative ideas such as those that created the E.U.
Pete Hoekstra -
Choices abound in the free market. Choice creates real and immediate accountability.
Pete Hoekstra -
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan harbor incredible promise for America once they forge an effective partnership.
Pete Hoekstra
ISIS has stated that it intends to infiltrate the hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees fleeing the barbaric ISIS terrorists, using their families as cover.
Pete Hoekstra -
A real possibility exists that we will be forced to confront, contain, and ultimately defeat radicalism and al-Qaeda alone, or at least with far fewer allies in the region than we had before.
Pete Hoekstra -
Former Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi and the radical Islamist mullahs ruling Iran share many similarities, but honesty and negotiating in good faith are not among them.
Pete Hoekstra -
Accepting Syrian refugees into the United States is an emotional issue.
Pete Hoekstra