Jeff Goldblum Quotes
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I think a lot of young girls see actresses, and they think of red carpets, and they think of 'Us Weekly,' and they don't really think about the breaking down of a script and what that requires and what you would need to pull it off.
I drink a fair amount of ramen noodles.
Limitlessness is important for me; I want to be able to use every opportunity to push me forward onto the next thing.
Leaders should always expect the very best of those around them. They know that people can change and grow.
I am more mature now and know how to deal with certain situations in football. It's not all about highs; there are also lows, but I can deal with it. Football is a hard business.
If my child had prejudice in his head, I'd be ashamed. I would see it as my failure as a parent.
The only lottery I've ever won was a $100 scratch-off card at age 16, and the 7-Eleven clerk who sold it to me said I was too young to claim my winnings.
May we be saved from evil thoughts and deed of enemies of world peace who find pleasure in creating havoc and perpetrating all forms of carnage.
There's a generative material relationship between the material and the image that comes up.
Pure art is a noble pursuit. Applied art is a business. That's one reason design firms have been so eager of late to add consulting and manufacturing to their core aesthetic competencies.
I'm not a military general, a business guru, not a philosopher or author. It's only me.
Ironically, I'm a really crap liar, even though I do it for a living. I give away too much, somehow. I can't lie!
I've seen articles suggesting that Wal-Mart buys at prices lower than our competitors', and that this gives Wal-Mart an unfair advantage. I don't believe it... What we hear is concern that in some circumstances, Wal-Mart may actually be paying more than our competitors.
Dick Cheney and Bush's rise to power were built on tons of money from corporations and a dulled press.
It's true that I have a wide range of interests. I like to write and paint and make music and go walking on my own and garden. In fact, gardening is probably what I enjoy doing more than anything else.
Even though people say Richard Harris and I have been having a great feud, it's not true.
I love to run, and I actually run quite a bit.
When I went to Australia, I went shark diving. It was crazy. It was called 'extreme' shark diving because even though we were in cages, we literally could touch the sharks swimming by. They were huge and I'm terrified of sharks. Then I went to a wildlife park and held kangaroos. That was nice.
I'm very persistent; I know the Internet very well, because I grew up on the Internet. I had Internet when there was just dial-up, and the Internet was my social outlet.
Oh, magic hour, when a child first knows she can read printed words.
Obviously, Jews gain certain advantages by promoting the Holocaust idea. It inspires tremendous financial aid for Israel. It makes organized Jewry almost immune from criticism. Whether the Holocaust is real or not, the Jews clearly have a motive for fostering the idea that it occurred. Not only do they have a motive, but they have the means with the media domination they now hold.
Even if you can't afford to travel the world, you can take your children to the museum, zoo or local park. And don't be afraid to take them to grown-up spots. Eating out in a restaurant teaches children how to be quiet and polite and gives them the pleasure of knowing you trust them to behave.
The first trip I remember taking was on the train from Virginia up to New York City, watching the summertime countryside rolling past the window. They used white linen tablecloths in the dining car in those days, and real silver. I love trains to this day. Maybe that was the beginning of my fixation with leisurely modes of travel.
No matter how you travel, it's still you going.