Why shouldn’t we experience heartbreak? Through those doorways God is opening up ways of fellowship with His Son. Most of us collapse at the first grip of pain. We sit down at the door of God’s purpose and enter a slow death through self-pity. And all the so-called Christian sympathy of others helps us to our deathbed. But God will not. He comes with the grip of the pierced hand of His Son, as if to say, “Enter into fellowship with Me; arise and shine.” If God can accomplish His purposes in this world through a broken heart, then why not thank Him for breaking yours?
Oswald Chambers -
Beware of any belief that makes you self-indulgent; it came from the pit, no matter how beautiful it sounds.
Oswald Chambers
Beware of reasoning about God's Word - obey It.
Oswald Chambers -
If we are obsessed by God, nothing else can get into our lives - not concerns, nor tribulation, not worries.
Oswald Chambers -
The peace that Jesus gives is never engineered by circumstances on the outside.
Oswald Chambers -
Take yourself by the scruff of the neck and shake off your incarnate laziness.
Oswald Chambers -
In Christian work our initiative and motivation are too often simply the result of realizing that there is work to be done and that we must do it. Yet that is never the attitude of a spiritually vigorous saint. His aim is to achieve the realization of Jesus Christ in every set of circumstances.
Oswald Chambers -
A hypocrite is one who plays two parts consciously for his own ends. When we find fault with other people we may be quite sincere, and yet Jesus says in reality we are frauds.
Oswald Chambers
We are apt to think that everything that happens to us is to be turned into useful teaching; it is to be turned into something better than teaching, into character. We shall find that the spheres God brings us into are not meant to teach us something but to make us something.
Oswald Chambers -
Never consider whether you are of use; but ever consider that you are not your own but His.
Oswald Chambers -
There have been prophets and students who handle the Bible like a child's box of bricks; they explain to us the design and structure and purpose; but as time goes on things do not work out in their way at all. They have mistaken the scaffolding for the structure, while all the time God is working out His purpose with a great and undeterred patience.
Oswald Chambers -
Fretting springs from a determination to get our own way.
Oswald Chambers -
Get to the end of yourself where you can do nothing, but where He does everything.
Oswald Chambers -
If Jesus ever commanded us to do something that He was unable to equip us to accomplish, He would be a liar. And if we make our own inability a stumbling block or an excuse not to be obedient, it means that we are telling God that there is something which He has not yet taken into account.
Oswald Chambers
We always know when Jesus is at work because He produces in the commonplace something that is inspiring.
Oswald Chambers -
It is much easier to do something than to trust in God; we mistake panic for inspiration.
Oswald Chambers -
Faith by its very nature must be tried, and the real trial of faith is not that we find it difficult to trust God, but that God's character has to be cleared in our own minds. Faith in its actual working out has to go through spells of unsyllabled isolation. Never confound the trial of faith with the ordinary discipline of life. Much that we call the trial of faith is the inevitable result of being alive.
Oswald Chambers -
One of the most difficult questions to answer in Christian work is, 'What do you expect to do?' You don't know what you are going to do. The only thing you know is that God knows what He is doing.......Hav e you been asking what God is going to do? He will never tell you. God does not tell you what He is going to do. He reveals to you who he is.
Oswald Chambers -
Keep your life so constantly in touch with God that His surprising power can break through at any point.
Oswald Chambers -
Every element of our own self-reliance must be put to death by the power of God.
Oswald Chambers
The secret of Christian quietness is not indifference, but the knowledge that God is my Father, He loves me, and I shall never think of anything He will forget. With this knowledge, worry becomes an impossibility
Oswald Chambers -
Certainty is the mark of the commonsense life-gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life.
Oswald Chambers -
The secret of the missionary is...I am His, and He is carrying out His work through me.
Oswald Chambers -
Only one in a thousand sits down in the midst of it all and says—I will watch my Father mend this. God must not be treated as a hospital for our broken “toys,” but as our Father.
Oswald Chambers