Jens Stoltenberg Quotes
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My favorite charity is the Women's Refugee Commission and the Nomi network.
On the weekends, I do the usual parental things, going to the boys' football tournaments or getting out for a hike along the Great Wall.
Smiling always with a never fading serenity of countenance, and flourishing in an immortal youth.
I'm still the fat kid from high school who never had a date.
I actually don't shop very much. I have a tendency to rotate a few pairs of ripped jeans and an old cashmere sweater.
Instead of looking outside of ourselves and counting potential enemies, fasting summons us to turn our glance inward, and to take the measure of our greatest challenge: the self, the ego, in our own eyes and as others see us.
I must try and break through the cliches about Latin America. Superpowers and other outsiders have fought over us for centuries in ways that have nothing to do with our problems. In reality we are all alone.
Why am I such a Euro-enthusiast? Because I knew it was an anchor of democracy.
I know people who are twice as creative as I am, twice as smart, but they didn't do anything because they feared going into a room and opening their mouths. My parents told me to truly accomplish things in my life, there would be times I would have to stand alone. It may be scary, but that's what it requires.
Where there is an absence of international political leadership, civil society should step in to fill the gap, providing the energy and vision needed to move the world in a new and better direction.
I'm the kind of person that responds strongly to a challenge.
Childishness? I think it's the equivalent of never losing your sense of humor. I mean, yes there's a certain something that you retain. It's the equivalent of not getting so stuffy that you can't laugh at others.
(perhaps a different and better translation of the same remark) quoted by Barbara Tuchman in The Guns of August (Random House, 1962)
There are hardly any truths upon which we always remain agreed, and still fewer objects of pleasure which we do not change every hour, I do not know whether there is a means of giving fixed rules for adapting discourse to the inconstancy of our caprices.
If you cross the Atlantic with an American lady you invariably fall in love with her before the journey is over. Travel with the same woman in a railway car for twelve hours, and you will have written her down in your own mind in quite other language than that of love.
You can have no dominion greater or less than that over yourself.
Sometimes in June, when I see unearned dividends of dew hung on every lupine, I have doubts about the real poverty of the sands. On solvent farmlands lupines do not even grow, much less collect a daily rainbow of jewels.
What did you expect? I don't know why we're so surprised. When you put your foot on a man's neck and hold him down for three hundred years, and then you let him up, what's he going to do? He's going to knock your block off.
As soon as one nation claims the right to take preventive action, other countries will naturally do the same. If we go down that road, where are we going?
I am a family man at heart.
The bourgeoisie incites the workers of one nation against those of another in the endeavour to keep them disunited.
Reading groups, readings, breakdowns of book sales all tell the same story: when women stop reading, the novel will be dead.
I think I would rather be a prime minister than a taxi driver.