It's weird when people are just staring at you because the thing is, people are not quite sure ... I get a lot of: "Are you off the TV?" It's funny. I don't and I don't get to the sort of clubs where people expect to see you.
It's not often that you get to read something that just feels very original for a star but also something that feels like it's more than just a movie or entertainment. Even though the riots were one of the most pivotal riots in civil rights history, especially for the LGBT community, I knew surprisingly very little about them. You don't learn about Stonewall in schools. It's a bit gross really! So it certainly felt like something that was quite important.
I've been very reluctant on the Twitter front. But I do Instagram now, so I'm slowly coming around. I'm quite a private person, so much of what I do for my job means that I have to be quite public so I'm just nervous about everything being public. I might turn around. Three years ago, I was against all social media but I actually really enjoy Instagram now. Who knows? I never say never!
The Railway Man was a particularly intense and immersive experience. I definitely got carried away. I lost about 35 pounds. I really was incredibly skinny and also quite unwell while we were filming. It wasn't very healthy. I don't recommend it. But then also doing the torture scenes, the water boarding stuff, there wasn't really any other way just to do it really.
Each year we go to the Cannes film festival and I tend to have all my friends pile in the back of my car and we'll drive from London. The poor production company think they're only putting me up and suddenly they've got eight people sleeping on my hotel room floor.
I think camping is one of those things where if you're forced into it as a child, you'll probably hate it as an adult.
The work my mum does, a lot of it is re-housing homeless people, that's a real job. I play make-believe and dressing up for a living!
All actors have to change their name.
The only mistake guys can make is to try too hard with their appearance. There's something very unmanly about it.
If a horse doesn't want to do something, you're not going to make him do it. They're incredibly powerful animals.
I feel arrogant trying to give people advice.
With a horror movie most of the actual jumps and scares are made in the edit. It's often not very scary on set and then you watch the film and suddenly it's very scary because the way the jump scares fit together building up the suspense in the audience because it's making them jump when they're least expecting it.
I like horses!
What I've realized is that all of these people are so successful because they love what they do and they work exceptionally hard. No one gets successful in this business by fluke really. There are probably a couple of exceptions but most people just work so hard. They are working every day and they are doing their prep.
Nearly every taping or audition has to be in an American accent, so you don't have a choice; you just have to get good at it. I'm sure you can appreciate accents - it's like learning any skill, you have to work at it and work at it and it takes an awful lot of time, until it's muscle memory and you don't have to think about it anymore.
I collect old first and second World War artifacts and things. I'm a little secret history nerd. I've been lucky enough to do quite a few war movies too so I've taken little things off each film.
I'm the biggest Chekov fan - there's something that he does that not many other writers do.
I had a lot of time before I actually got my break so to speak. I was building websites for other actors. I worked in a grocery store back in the little village where I grew up but I found it mind-numbingly boring.
I wouldn't want to see any animal in pain, no matter what.
I had a great drama teacher, and he sort of made out drama school as this incredibly difficult thing to get into: 6,000 people apply every year, and some of the schools only have 12 places. It's a phenomenally difficult thing to get into. And that excited me - I wanted that challenge.
I'm not scared of animals, except for rats. I'll break down in tears if I see a rat!
When I find a look that I like, that's my entire wardrobe.
I always wonder whether I'll get treated differently with a different accent.
Determination becomes obsession and then it becomes all that matters.