But to hear Kennedy when he was grandstanding in front of the McClellan Committee you might have thought I was making as much out of the pension fund as the Kennedys made out of selling whiskey.
Jimmy Hoffa -
Hell, I'm not saying I'm an angel, but when it came to dirty tricks I couldn't hold a candle to the Irish Mafia.
Jimmy Hoffa
We never had any silk sheets in our family...
Jimmy Hoffa -
Sure, we loaned money to build hotels and casinos in Las Vegas. So what? Las Vegas borrowers were good customers.
Jimmy Hoffa -
You almost had to live through it to really know the gut ripping misery of the depression during the early thirties which led to labor's bloodiest and most violent days.
Jimmy Hoffa -
Our rooms were bugged, our phones were tapped, and our lawyer's rooms were broken into and their files stolen. We finally had to hire armed guards with pistols to be able to maintain our records. It was hard to believe we weren't in Russia.
Jimmy Hoffa -
A slab of bread 'buttered' with lard and, if you were lucky, seasoned with salt and pepper, was a luxury.
Jimmy Hoffa -
Power leads to more power, no matter what your racket, and not only were they rich and influential but they were smart as hell, too.
Jimmy Hoffa
But because we are financially solid, because we do have an organization that is equipped to handle any situation that comes in front of us, we are successful in getting from the employers what are members want and need without strikes.
Jimmy Hoffa -
I'll be back.
Jimmy Hoffa -
Mob guys had muscle, and where in hell do you think employers got the tough guys when they wanted to break a strike?
Jimmy Hoffa -
Nobody in this country respects what's weak. You believe me!If you see a beggar on a corner, with his hat in his hand, nobody respects him.Dress the same man up, give him an air of dignity, and he can command respect.The same thing applies to this union.
Jimmy Hoffa -
I've said consistently that no employer ever really accepts a union. They tolerate the unions. The very minute they can get a pool of unemployment they'll challenge the unions and try to get back what they call managements prerogatives, meaning hire, fire, pay what you want.
Jimmy Hoffa -
They all know I'm back, very much back, and that I will be the general president again come hell or high water.
Jimmy Hoffa
It has to be considered damned unusual that no other union was ever investigated.
Jimmy Hoffa -
When you run an organization like the Teamsters one man has to be the boss and run things.
Jimmy Hoffa -
In the ten years I was president of the Teamsters, I had raised the membership from eight hundred thousand to more than 2 million and made it the largest single labor union the world.
Jimmy Hoffa -
I may have many faults, but being wrong ain't one of them.
Jimmy Hoffa -
I let him strain for a couple of seconds. Then like taking candy from a baby, I flipped his arm over and cracked his knuckles on the top of the table. It was strictly no contest and he knew it. But he had to try again. Same results.
Jimmy Hoffa -
I do to others what they do to me, only worse.
Jimmy Hoffa