Characters have to make sacrifices. To really, really feel the true emotion and the hero's journey, they have to go through trials, and those trials could cost them something.
Being a global citizen makes you a more interesting person.
Our job with Thanos is to make him the preeminent villain in the Marvel Universe. That is his role in the comics. That's his role in these movies.
We tend to intensely scout an area and then use our imaginations to make the best use of the geography.
You look at 'Arrested Development' or 'Community,' we're constantly either deconstructing genre or tone. We like to say it's like being a mad scientist: you get to play in a laboratory and experiment with directions to take narrative in.
As filmmakers, we love ambitious storytelling; it's one of the reasons we pushed to do 'Civil War.' We want to be as ambitious in scope as we possibly can.
I think there's a lot of people in their dingy boats in the middle of the ocean pining for the days of closed-ended narrative.
We like layers of character and personality in our storytelling. We like very distinctive, unique personalities interacting with each other. And I think, because there are two of us, and we're a collective, we identify with that. We call it the mastermind principle: Two minds aren't doubly better than one - they're exponentially better than one.
'Avengers 3' has a beginning, middle, and a very definitive end, and 'Avengers 4' does the same.
Films used to be an event that required work and effort to get to a theater to see. Now, really good content is available immediately to us on many devices. At the same time, the audience's appetite for storytelling is evolving, and people want to spend time with characters for many years.
I find that when I watch films where the villain is more complex, I find that it makes the heroes more complex and ultimately, in the story, more interesting.
As filmmakers, we are interested in unique voices.
'The Infinity War' is meant to be a culmination film. It's meant to join together all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe against an incredible universal threat - Thanos.
We like existentially wacky characters who exist in existential crisis.
With a character called Captain , you have to address the concept of who he is because his identity is tied to his country.
If you're a fan of auteur filmmaking, I'd say get yourself invested in some really good TV shows.
I sat in a theater when I was 11 years old and watched 'The Empire Strikes Back' from 10 in the morning until 10 at night the day it came out.
I've had emotional experiences in VR that I haven't been able to have in two-dimensional experiences.
My brother and I are politically-minded guys.
Everything is finite, right? Nothing can last forever.
I always say one of the great scenes from 'The Dirty Dozen' is where Jim Brown has to get grenades in the chimney.
We feel a lot of the future of storytelling is going to be in the VR space.
I think that what people love most about the Marvel universe are the characters.
Disney represents the future of filmmaking in North America.