John Hensley Quotes
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I love food. I mean, I really love food. I take pictures of my finest, funniest and most fascinating dishes, post them on Twitter, and send them to friends. I treat menus like classic literature, refusing to skip even one word. I read the description of every item, regardless of whether or not I'm interested in eating it.
Everyone in business is tenacious and extremely aggressive. If you're not a 'now' person - do it right now - then you're not going to be successful. I like that kind of mentality.
Take any writer you want in the 19th century: they wrote with quill pens, dipping a piece of goose feather in ink and writing. And yet we read those novels today, and if we're sensitive to them, we respond to them with an immediacy that is stronger than anything written today on a word processor.
A story must be told or there'll be no story, yet it is the untold stories that are most moving.
Neo-conservatives are unlike old conservatives because they are utilitarians, not moralists, and because their aim is the prosperity of post-industrial society, not the recovery of a golden age.
Thank goodness there were people who were happy with nothing, thought Julia, so that people like her (and everyone else she had ever met), could have more.
I think a lot of people who are child actors - it's a weird thing.
My effort is to slip into any role that is offered to me. The minute you go into those costumes, those grand sets, and start prepping up for the role, you become the part or at least start feeling the part.
All this stuff doesn't happen to you for your own sake. It doesn't happen to you so you can fill your shelves with trophies or line your pockets with cash; it happens so you can have a positive influence and encourage other people.
Honestly, I enjoy nothing more than two Republicans going after each other.
I mean, I think I'm doing a lot better than other people that have had shoulder surgery in their careers. Some people have never come back.
In an aging world with more chronic disease, health and healthcare are enormous opportunities that we want to focus on.
Unless some misfortune has made it impossible, everyone can have good posture.
Up until college age I was using the typical little-boy dummy that sits on the knee and makes woodpecker jokes. My first original character didn't happen until later, and that was Jose the Jalapeno on a Stick.
It's not a crime to make a mistake; in fact, it's human. I certainly have made mistakes.
Grieve not, then, if your sons seem to desert you, but rejoice, rather, seeing the will of God done gladly.
I've always loved interior design.
A rite of passage in America when you turn 50 and have good health insurance is a colonoscopy.
Even when people are so judgmental about what you wear or your weight you just have to step away and be like, 'I'm a normal, fine human being.'
Game, noun: Any unserious occupation designed for the relaxation of busy people and the distraction of idle ones. It's used to take people to whom we have nothing to say off our hands, and sometimes even ourselves.
It's difficult to compare coaches. You really can't compare them.
Women will change the nature of power, rather than power changing the nature of women.
I can get behind any story that's willing to tell itself without apology.