I still use felt tip pens for my notes, on a white board that I carry around with me. I am not into the computer technology - you can say that quite safely.
The goals made such a difference to the way this game went.
That shot might not have been as good as it might have been.
Not the first half you might have expected, even though the score might suggest that it was.
The World Cup is a truly international event.
The competition to get above the rest and be the lead commentator, or whatever you want to call it, is much fiercer than it was when I was starting out. By the same token, there were not as many jobs going back then, so to get one was an achievement in itself.
It looks like a one man show here, although there are two men involved.
I'm not a celebrity whose face is recognised everywhere I go, like Gary Lineker, but my voice does make people sit up and pay attention from time to time.
The unexpected is always likely to happen.
Even now, I still get a bit apprehensive before a game because I am worried about whether I have done enough preparation or if something is going to catch me out. But the fear factor has gone - as it should have done by now, really, after nearly 50 years.